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Leadership Styles Functional Leadership In Research Paper

So many times leaders are faced with situations in which one particular leadership theory does not always fit. Every employee within a company is different from the next and thus should be dealt with on an individual basis. This type of leadership allows for the manager to assess the current situation and set goals for the outcome. It then allows them to observe and monitor the progress of the situation along the way and make changes as necessary. It also allows for feedback to given in regards to the process as a whole. A manager who utilizes this leadership style will provide themselves with the opportunity to remind themselves in each situation that all people are different and should be approached as an individual. It allows for changes to be made along the way during a process. If things are working out then it offers a framework for rethinking the situation. This leadership style also allows for a leader to work on the areas in which they may be deficient in order to improve themselves as a leader.


Since every situation and every person are not the same there is no way to be a successful leader by always dealing with everything in the same way. What works for some people does not necessarily work for all people. The capability to address each situation as unique is the key to being a successful leader and this leadership style is just what is needed to do that.

Functional Leadership Theory. (2010). Retrieved from

Johannsen, M. (2011). Retreived from

Leadership Types. (2008). Retrieved from

Situational Leadership by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey, (2009). Retrieved from

Sources used in this document:

Functional Leadership Theory. (2010). Retrieved from

Johannsen, M. (2011). Retreived from

Leadership Types. (2008). Retrieved from

Situational Leadership by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey, (2009). Retrieved from
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