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Leadership Change Suggested Changes To Term Paper

There are of course positive aspects and drawbacks to each of the potential company leaders, but any negative aspects of one individual's leadership can be mitigated by a more temperate and even handed leadership structure, yet one that still allows for efficient and decisive decisions to be made and carried out. Studies have shown that leadership is often more even-handed when measured in terms of influence rather than in terms of procedural behavior, and this knowledge will be directly and explicitly applied to the Gene One leadership structure in the situation at hand (Hysom & Johnson 2006). Michelle Houghton and John Kirby will be the primary decision makers for the company; Houghton's commitment to the company itself and her proven savvy as a chief financial officer will doubtless continue to serve the company well, as will Kirby's decades of expertise in the corporate world of the science and technology sector. Houghton's appearance as a pushover, however unfounded, would be detrimental to the company at an IPO, and Kirby's stubbornness might prove detrimental to the company overall, but the two somewhat oppositional images and approaches should complement each other well.

This leadership will present a deeply passionate, well-grounded, and intellectually trustworthy image to the members of the organization and the public, making a truly transformational team. This does not greatly alter the current leadership structure of the company, but other considerations will also be made to utilize all of the leadership resources available at Gene One. The rest of the leadership team identified in the case study will of course continue to perform essential duties, including presenting the increasingly public face of Gene One's leadership. As this task becomes...

As the chief marketing officer for the company, Jones will need to work closely with both Houghton and chief technical officer Teri Robertson regarding timelines for progress and developments. This will keep the company on track -- and very visibly so -- as gene One approaches and passes its initial public offering. This in turn will help to ensure the company's success in its long-term goals.

Gene One's end vision is to help create a world where hunger is less of a problem, if not eradicated altogether, though the development of sustainable and plentiful crops of edible and hardy vegetation. Combining a transformational leadership style with a strong and multi-faceted leadership structure will provide this company with the leadership it needs to emerge from its IPO with the growth potential to reach its targets and beyond, with both the capacity and the innovation necessary. Though the members of the board differ in their assessments, their contributions will all be a part of the success.


Hinduan, Z.; Wilson-Evered, E.; Moss, S. & Scannell, E. (2009). "Leadership, work outcomes and openness to change following an Indonesian bank merger." Asia-Pacific journal of human resources 47(1), pp. 59-78.

Hysom, S. & Johnson, (2006). "Leadership Structures in Same-Sex Task Groups." Sociological Perspectives 49(3), pp. 391-410.

Massod, S.; Dani, S.; Burns, N. & Backhouse, C. (2006). "Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture: The Situational Strength Perspective." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Part B; Journal of Engineering Manufacture 220(6), pp. 941-9.

Sources used in this document:

Hinduan, Z.; Wilson-Evered, E.; Moss, S. & Scannell, E. (2009). "Leadership, work outcomes and openness to change following an Indonesian bank merger." Asia-Pacific journal of human resources 47(1), pp. 59-78.

Hysom, S. & Johnson, (2006). "Leadership Structures in Same-Sex Task Groups." Sociological Perspectives 49(3), pp. 391-410.

Massod, S.; Dani, S.; Burns, N. & Backhouse, C. (2006). "Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture: The Situational Strength Perspective." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Part B; Journal of Engineering Manufacture 220(6), pp. 941-9.
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