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Lead Poisoning And Children Research Paper

Lead Paint Screening Regulations in California Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (105275-105310)

Agency Responsible

The agency responsible for giving guidelines is the United States Center for Disease Control. The Department of Health is further responsible for enforcing this law.

Incentives and Enforcement

This regulation gives several incentives and enforcements that encourage compliance among healthcare givers and parents. The regulation gives a framework of case management to encourage parents to comply with the screening regulation. This involves referrals to health facilities, educational activities and environmental assessments. This encourages parents to consent to the screening of their children. They are aware that any poisoning that may be identified during the screening process will be referred to appropriate health care. The assurance is a greater incentive for parents to take their children for the screening and hence comply with this regulation (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 1991).

Another significant incentive in the regulation is the state reimbursement of the cost insured in the state-sponsored screening services and subsequent case management. This is an incentive to health care providers to offer this screening and hence comply with the regulation. In essence, healthcare facilities will get the reassurances that the additional cost they incur during this screening will be compensated by the state (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 1991). The withdrawal of the cost implication on the process of screening makes the process cost-free and hence encourages...

The regulation requires this fee to be imposed on manufacturers whose activities both in the present and the past has resulted in lead poisoning of children. This enforcement ensures that manufacturers to comply with the regulation.
Key Aspects of the Regulation


This aspect of the regulation requires the department of health to engage environmental specialists and medical experts to evaluate the level of risk of an individual child to lead poisoning. This evaluation determines the children to undergo screening. This aspect of the California regulation influences insurers as stakeholders because it gives them information on the level of risk of an individual and hence helps them to estimate premiums payment.


The second aspect of this regulation is screening for lead poisoning among children. The regulation requires that children who are classified as being at risk of lead poisoning undergo screening in health facilities. This screening…

Sources used in this document:

California Code of Regulations, (2008). TITLE 17, Division 1, Chapter 9, Screening for Childhood Lead Poisoning

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 1991. (Added by Stats. 1995, Ch. 415, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 1996.)
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