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Job Performance Training Performance Management Over The Essay

Job Performance Training Performance Management

Over the many past years, performance management has been realized to being a very critical business tool for many organizations that have yet seen their success ambitions make a break. Every management team responsible for implementing as well as maintaining performance management systems must be able to realize its potential and commitment to successful results (Robert & John 2011). This paper tends to discuss some of the headliners binding performance management, to be specific; challenges facing performance management solutions, integration of job performance and learning or training processes, initiatives of improving employee relations, as well as techniques of Improving employee performance and retention.

Integrating job performance and training

Building a performance support system reduces the need of training through proving of decision tools, information as well as performance aids. Through this, human weaknesses are compensated for, and strengths are enhanced through the same process. The performance support systems can be procedural guidance, help and advisory systems, software applications, simulations and anything else that leverages performance through training (Tilaye 2006). Since they are for procedural, as well as administrative job descriptions, they can be beneficial for management and professional work.

In order to integrate training experience and job performance, it should be looked at that the work is understood well. One can do this by directly observing and talking to people, using tools appropriate for analysis one call try thinking like the performer. When one learns how to properly use the many analysis tools, he builds the learning into a job with little burden imposed on the trainee (employee). Job analysis efforts can be sometimes time wasting and cumbersome, but it offers a good mental model for examining a process for learning and improvement opportunities.

Linking information and learning into a job is also another strategy used to integrate job performance and training. A trainer should identify key processes in a business and use process phases to inject relevant learning resources into the employee's leaning experience. Knowledge leverage points (where information is needed for optimal performance) in the business processes should be identified and embedded in relevant resources used in training.

Organizations should employ leaning by action for professional development and management. Action learning involves teams learning from experience essentially applying to personal effectiveness. This technique integrates training and work in that it brings immediate effect in terms of meaning and context learning and at the same time improves real time performance. Skilled leaders, high performance and solving urgent problems are some of the results of action learning.

The use of organizational learning practices transforms individual through practicing activities of a tangible nature, which in turn, changes the way the individuals run their work. This shapes culture and performance regularities within an organization. Full range solutions for performance upgrade is geared by the fact that learning and performance adopt more informal learning solutions, which comes as an advantage of using organizational learning initiatives with the aim of integrating training and job performance.

Performance management challenges

The solutions provided by performance management are mainly manual both at the departmental and at the enterprise levels. In terms of resource hours, the manual nature of the performance management system renders it a very expensive affair. Most calculations performed by the analyst are dependable of the organization, and the cumbersome and complex tasks make them hard to produce results that are quantified.

Data generated by an organization's performance management system is often unpredictable, and sometimes, results that are incorrect cause the downfall of any system of performance management. Users lose confidence in such a system and turn to formulating data using other unapproved ways leading to further misinformation and performance management process. Reports produced by any automation procedure i.e. IT reports should be put through intense quality assurance assessment before release to users.

Performance management systems in many organizations are slow to respond to the drastic technological changes, and enhancing current reports to ensure critical modifications to meet every current need. IT departments in organizations should be fast enough in order to produce a positive response to the changing trends in terms of needs of the performance management systems and processes.

Information dissemination to the managers of an organization is not efficient considering the performance management processes even in most recognized organization. Performance results may take several days to formulate dependencies in operations of the organization, which are rather of great impact to timeliness. Analysis of business requirements should be performed to provide for outfacing any unproductive procedures,...

Most agencies may be reluctant in effecting implementation of performance management systems because of fears on how the interpretation of results may come out. Similar to this, elected officials in the organization may exhibit fears on how performance data will be utilized by the users. Consequentially, officials end up being reluctant in matters concerning supporting investments geared towards performance management systems.
Improving employee performance and retention

Managerial staff of every organization should objectively set and follow up employee expectation putting to consideration any potential problems that may arise in the organization's framework. Human resource management team should, therefore, develop solutions and procedures that would otherwise be an answer to problems when they arise. By doing this, challenges faced by any organization will be solved before it matures to being a major obstacle in employee performance.

Provision of a safe training and working environment has proved to be one of the best initiatives developed to improve performance of members of any business organization. Unsafe environment will halt employees from optimizing their potential since they will always be worried of their well-being i.e. getting hurt and becoming sick. These causes lose of focus by the members in question. If possible, it is recommended that businesses develop their own safety procedures custom designed to fit the job descriptions in the business firm.

Teamwork is also an important aspect in leveraging employee performance in the work place. The managerial staff should let employees know their tasks are or what the common task is, this will allow them to pull their resources together in order to establish or accomplish what needs to be done through team work.

One of the key factors in ensuring a successful business is the establishment and follow -- up of procedures and policies, which should be overly maintained by the concerned authorities. Such procedures are written in order to prevent any mistake from cropping up. Polices and procedure manuals have got their own benefits some of them being. This is through time saving, prevention of mistakes, ensuring quality and consistency in the work place just but to mention a few. Written procedures also cover for any employer -- employee disagreement that could rather occur within the workplace.

It is in most managers' wish list that his employees exhibit loyalty in the work place. This attribute, however, will only be accomplished on the essence of mutual trust, for an employee to be trust worthy; the employer must in return trust his employee. This forms the basis of establishment of an employee loyalty program. Employer -- employee loyal relationship will leverage productivity in any workplace and in turn, boost performance management practices (Kristen et al. 2006).

Employee evaluation is another initiative employed in boosting employee performance. Regular observation of employees while working and taking the time to recognize them for their good performance boosts the confidence of the members, though it is also advisable to give necessary correction in any mistake made. The credits given to workers for their work well done should be fully sincere.

Improving employee relations

Direct contact between employers and employees has instant impact on employee relations. Periodic contact between the employer and his employee encourages morale and respect builds up; when the contact goes overboard, any relevant chain of command that might have been established might be undermined. Any boss can create employee contact by participation in occasions organized by employees, having regular chats with employees among others.

Establishment of employee support programs helps promote employee relations within an organization. In order to balance work and family needs, employees need and want assistive procedures since they also have lives outside work. This fact is required to be understandable by every employer. By doing this, a good relationship is established between an employer and employee.

Employees always want to have the greatest possible achievements personally and professionally while pursuing their careers. This calls for the organization budgeting comprehensively for training programs to be offered to their employees. Through the provision of management or skill -- based training, one sends the message that the interest of any employer being successful is put into consideration. This greatly plays a role in promoting employee relations.

Employee recognition plays an important role in improving employee relations since employees want to be recognized for their goo performances at work (Tephane 1999). Teamwork and the spirit of entrepreneurship offer advantage through strategies formulated to link job performance and rewards. Regular observation of employees while working and taking the time to recognize them for their good…

Sources used in this document:

Kristen M. W, Ann H. H and Robert D. (2006). When Coworkers and Managers Quit: The Effects of Turnover and Shared Values on Performance: Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 103-126

Tephane, C. (1999). Affect and Performance in Organizational Settings: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 65-68

Tilaye, K. (2007). Management Practices as Leverages of Employee Performance: Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 42, No 3, pp. 332-354

Robert L.M. And John H.J. (2011). Human Resource Management: Essential perspectives. London: Cengage Learning.
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