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Jesus Christ And Art Essay

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James Hampton contributed immensely to his work over preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. James Hampton was capable of anything. Even with the little or self-given training, he could do many things that warrant a concern from the audience. Probably, James Hampton case must be considered as an important aspect in the proclamation of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Hampton, not training is not to be taken as his likely inability. It has to be taken as a determination to achieve what is even credible to the course of what is happening. The artwork that he has exemplified is a simple indication that he can achieve anything using any material available. Since the artwork was created from junk, anything can be used to create likely weapons and programs to achieve certain objectives. Hampton is simply indicating that his abilities are not limited by lack of training or unavailability of suitable equipment that can be used to create something of the sort that he has created (Casey, 2014). The work of James Hampton did not receive any official recognition. His works were literally, what was considered as not up to the standards regarding the objectivity, the mechanics of operation, the likely principles...

Nonetheless, the achievement that has been derived by James Hampton indicates that recognition has to be reinstated. His work was not recognized, but it made a mark upon those who were to recognize it at the time.
The artwork that had been censored for over a decade as the artist worked on it has been revealed as displayed at the Smithsonian. People like James Hampton are capable of revealing what governments like to prevent from public access (Casey, 2014). Since the artwork had been secluded for a long time, it means that anything good for the society will come out eventually despite the challenges. The religious reason behind that work was established based on the individual revelation that can be seen in the living of James Hampton. The second coming of Jesus is likely the reason for the establishment of many articulations during this time. The display at Smithsonian reveals the many likely diversifications of artwork during this time, and not just as done by James Hampton.

The artwork targeted a religious audience. James Hampton made the artwork using junk materials, some of which included cardboard, plastics, and foil pieced together…

Sources used in this document:

Casey N. CEP (2014). Cracking the Code of James Hampton's Private Language. PS Magazine. Dec. 11, 2014.

Hampton, J. (n.d.). The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly. ca. 1950-1964. American Art. From
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