Italo Calvino's short story "The Distance to the Moon" has as its central theme the idea of attraction: both the scientific idea of gravitational attraction, and the far less scientific idea of sexual attraction that comprises the central love-plot of the story, among the narrator Qfwfq, his deaf cousin, the ship's captain Vhd, and his wife Mrs. Vhd. However the two central threads -- that of fanciful science fiction and that of a doomed love-story -- are tied together by the story's style of narration. In some sense, Calvino is writing a parody of an anthropological account: we are told at the opening that "old Qfwfq" narrates this tale about a time "the rest of you can't remember, but I can" (Calvino 1). As a result the scientific fact -- that in the earth's geologic past, the moon was closer to the planet -- is collapsed with the fake mythology of the folktale, and the story's style of narration thus links together our collective understanding of science with our collective understanding of human history through an oral tradition. The idea that Calvino is trying to evoke a kind of prehistoric human society would seem to be implicit in the comically unpronounceable names of the characters. The fact that the story contains a little girl named "Xlthlx" is a deliberate joke for the reader:...
This normalizes the strange central fact of the story, wherein the moon is close enough to the earth that it can be approached by a tall ladder. The connection, however, with folk-tales is made clear when the reason for climbing to the moon is given: "to collect the…moon-milk…like a kind of cream cheese" (Calvino 2). Calvino relies on the reader's familiarity with the folk-tales, still current in 2014, that the moon is made of "green cheese" -- here, he extends the basic scientific fact (that the moon was once closer to the earth) and provides a vaguely plausible-sounding scientific rationale for this bit of fanciful mythology about the moon.While hard facts, such as Venus' circumference, diameter, and distance from the sun are relatively easy to determine, historical and future implications of the planet and its study are not as simple to calculate. Two of the most important facts that we don't yet know about the planet Venus are the significance of its historical positioning and its implications for earth's atmospheric problems. According to Ev Cochrane's study into the
At the Poles, the Sun circles around the horizon forever. At the Equator, it rises vertically at the East point on the horizon, passes directly overhead, and then sets vertically at the West point on the horizon (Seligman). These same mechanics should apply for other solar and planetary systems as well. As an example, the seasons on the other planets in our solar system compare to the seasons on the
Planet of the Apes is a very moving rendition of theme of brutality of slavery and the damaging consequences of the man's self-destruction. Particularly the last scene where the statue of liberty is shown is very heart rending and neatly depicts the height of mans madness who is the only creature on the planet to destroy himself. Unlike other science fiction movies this film is rich in social implications. Overall
Another main reason why Planet Earth is so successful is that the series delivers substantial quality content. The writing is accessible, lacking jargon, but still never dumbed-down or didactic. Individual episodes are so packed with information that viewers can look forward to watching again and again, and likely learn new things each time. The producers opted for each episode to be about a familiar but broad ecosystem: such as caves, deserts,
Planet of the apes series is one of the most successful series in American cinematic history. Product of the anti-Vietnam War sentiment, open racial tension, the War on Poverty, fear of nuclear war and lingering Cold War anti-USSR passions, the first 5 films in the series were also based on knowledge of and research about apes up to and including the 1960's and 1970's. Rise of the planet of
Astronomy The Terrestrial planets are defined as rocky planets or telluric planets, and they are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These planets have a lot of similarities that allow them to be grouped together, especially in contrast to the Jovian or gas planets. The telluric planet is one given type of planet, defined as one that is primarily composed of rocks and heavy metals. Thus, the composition of these planets is
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