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Islam The Rise Of Islam Term Paper

The Abbasids transformed the empire into a multinational Muslim empire, as Persians and Khurasanians traveled to the area for learning. The cause of this pull was the Abbasid's creation of Islamic intellectualism, brought about by the construction of observatories, libraries, educational institutions providing instruction on medicine, astronomy, logic, math, and philosophy, all in the Arabic language. A new system of math, using nine numerals and the zero revolutionized math. Further, trade along this route was safer, freer, and far more extensive than other areas, drawing even more individuals. The result of this educational advancement in...

As missionaries traveled with traders, and as scholars educated in Baghdad returned to their respective nations, Islam spread rapidly across the world. It is clear, due to these concepts, that the rise of Islam was not the result of force, but rather, then result of increases in economic, political, educational, and social control.

McKay, J., Hill, B., Buckler-Ebrey, P. History of World Societies. Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin Company, 2004.

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McKay, J., Hill, B., Buckler-Ebrey, P. History of World Societies. Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin Company, 2004.
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