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Iraqi Women Regardless If One Term Paper

Indeed, the case of Iraq exemplifies that gender concerns may be sacrificed to "greater priorities" as security and the political agendas of different actors. As long as the Western occupation continues, there will be Islamist forces that, in the name of fighting the occupation, will greatly restrict women's participation in public life. Although the author (Al Ali) is not under any illusion that the violence will end or women's lives will improve immediately after troop withdrawal, this has to be a necessary step on the way to create a sovereign state where women's rights can be discussed without creating a bigger backlash for women inside Iraq.



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(2007) Iraqi Women -- Four years after the Invasion. Foreign Policy.
Coleman, I. (2006) Women, Islam, and the New Iraq

Foreign Affairs (85)1: 24.

New York:

Jan/Feb 2006. Vol. 85, Iss. 1; pg. 24

Hunt, S., & Posa, Cristina (2004) Iraq's Excluded Women

Foreign Policy. 143; 40-46

Kandiyoti, D. (2007) Between the hammer and the anvil: post-conflict reconstruction, Islam and women's rights. 28(3)

Looney, R. (2005) the Economics of Coping: the Plight of Women in Iraq's Informal Economy

The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies. 30(3) 285-305

Sources used in this document:

Freedom House

Al-Ali, N. (2007) Iraqi Women -- Four years after the Invasion. Foreign Policy.

Coleman, I. (2006) Women, Islam, and the New Iraq

Foreign Affairs (85)1: 24.
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