Investment Portfolio
The beta coefficient for Google, Inc. is 1.03 using the Excel Slope function (Christensen). Using the S&P 500 as a benchmark, this beta coefficient has a higher risk than the market (Christensen, How to Interpret a Beta Coefficient). With this stock included in a portfolio, it would need to be diversified with less riskier investments in order to balance the overall portfolio risk and return on investment aspects of the portfolio. Because the Google stock is at a higher risk, it could bring higher returns.
Using a CAPM calculator (Chimp), the cost of capital for Google, Inc. is 6.76%. The CAPM is a capital asset pricing model used to determine the cost of equity. The cost of equity is the return that stockholders require for a company and represents the compensation the market demands in the exchange for owning the asset and bearing the risks of ownership (Investopedia). The cost of equity is what is used to determine whether owning the stock is worth the risk involved to purchase it. If the return is extremely low, investors would...
Financial Statement AnalysisFinancial statement analysis refers to developing and analyzing a particular company�s financial statements to help with the decision-making processes. It is also essential since it helps external stakeholders such as investors understand its overall condition and evaluate the business value and financial performance. Internally, it is used as a tool to monitor and manage the organization�s finances. A company�s financial statements record essential financial data on all organization�s
57 Spillover Effect on the Stock Market and Bond Prices in Relation with GARCH Abstract This study examines the spillover effect between bond and stock markets in the U.S. using GARCH. The finding of a unidirectional spillover flow from bonds to stocks in the U.S. is discussed in the light of new marketplace variables that have been introduced into the markets in the previous decade. These variables include the rise of HFT, algorithm-driven
Dissertation ManuscriptBySedric K. MorganGeopolitical Awareness and Understanding of the Current Monetary Policies: A Quantitative Study� Northcentral University, 2019 Comment by Author: Sedric � NOTE: take a look at the Turnitin Analysis report. Consider the areas that are closely related to student paper(s) from University of Maryland. I highly suspect this is a matter of improper paraphrasing (by you as well as these other student(s)). The areas are sourced and the
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