Interscholastic Sports & Academics
What effect if any do interscholastic sports have on a young person's academic achievements? A great deal of the literature indicates that playing interscholastic sports can help a student become more proficient and successful in his or her academic pursuits. This paper references studies that present the facts regarding the mainly positive effects that interscholastic sports can have on a middle school or high school student's success in the classroom.
An article in Kappa Delta PI Record (Lumpkin, et al., 2010, p. 124) references the National Federation of State High School Associations' (NFHS) data that shows "…more than 7,000,000 interscholastic athletes in the United States" are doing better academically than students that are not out for sports. Lumpkin refers to NFHS data that shows: a) those seven million students overall "have higher grade-point averages"; b) they also have "lower dropout rates, better daily attendance, and fewer discipline problems" than those not playing sports (pp. 124-125).
The article by Lumpkin is directed towards interscholastic coaches, and among the issues that the author asks coaches to stress is that while "winning" is important, winning is "often overemphasized" (p. 125). The point needs to be reinforced that coaches need to "…Stress academic achievement first and foremost," Lumpkin explains on page 125).
Meanwhile Patricia Lyons-Daniels' research shows that participation in sports gives the adolescent an opportunity to enhance his or her "…self-esteem, self-efficacy, competence, academic achievement and fitness" (Lyons-Daniels, 1999, p. 12). Students who go out for sports in middle school, the level of education that Lyons-Daniels investigates, find out that the competitive demands of competitive athletics tends to "…mirror other life experiences" (12). In fact sports often results in "…the development of positive self-esteem and self-concept… how an individual perceives his or her self," Lyons-Daniels continues. Why is self-esteem and self-concept important for middle school children? The "prestige" that often comes...
This basic market pricing report was prepared using Hot Job's Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of Human Resources departments at collegiate employers of all sizes, industries and geographies Likes/dislikes or advantages/disadvantages: The work of a coach involves considerable exposure to the elements, and requires an individual to be a combination of a mentor, counselor, and surrogate parent to new players, as well as a taskmaster. He
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Imposing a Tax or Levy to Build a Sport Facility: As previously mentioned, one of the major concerns that have emerged in the recent past is whether or not a community should impose a levy or tax to pay for bonds for a sport facility that would house a major league professional sport team. Historically, many taxation avenues have been used to pay for the development of a new sport facility.
Lesson Plan Amp; Reflection I didn't know what state you are in so was unable to do state/district standards! Lesson Plan Age/Grade Range; Developmental Level(s): 7-8/2nd Grade; Below grade level Anticipated Lesson Duration: 45 Minutes Lesson Foundations Pre-assessment (including cognitive and noncognitive measures): All students are reading below grade level (5-7 months) as measured by standardized assessments and teacher observation Curricular Focus, Theme, or Subject Area: Reading: Fluency, word recognition, and comprehension State/District Standards: Learning Objectives: Students will develop
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It can therefore be concluded that academic integrity and ethical conduct are expected of every learner in all academic procedures. The academic principle represents the honesty in coursework, as well as ethical conduct in clinical, lab, research and homework assignments and should be maintained in all academic communities. Exercise 2- Personal values Personal values Personal values are crucial in both our working and personal lives, in that they help shape own individual systems
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