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Importance Of Physical Activities Essay

Physical Changes In the past few months my current exercises has changed my physical life dramatically. I have already realized that movement is a medicine when used appropriately and I have managed to significantly develop my ability to listen to the needs of my body and get involved in the type of practice that will be most beneficial to my life. Different physical changes have taken place in my life in my endeavor to live a healthy life.

My body composition has changed significantly mainly since I started taking my exercises. Following my exercise mechanisms, there has been reduction in the percentage of body fat as well as through the increase of lean muscle mass in my different parts of my body, (Kahn, E.B., Ramsey, 2002). Also changing my eating habit has facilitated change in my body composition. I have reduced consuming junky foods which may increase fats in by body and I usually avoid them for several weeks without consuming them.

Due to...

Now I feel lighter when am walking and carrying out my duties which were a bit harder for me to do. I currently feel a difference in my breathing or my heart rate. At first my breathing was hard when I was doing the exercises or after doing a small task but this has changed gradually after training, I no-longer struggle with my breathing when carrying out difficult tasks and even in my exercises. This can be due to the change in my muscles that can now use oxygen a lot better and this has lowered my heart rate.
Before I started training my skin was rough and dry. I was using different types of body lotions so that my skin could come back to its softness. Even though they disappeared they could reappear again but when I started my training I no longer need to look for different body lotions because my skin is now clear and soft. This has been…

Sources used in this document:

Kahn, E.B., Ramsey, L.T., Brownson, R.C. et al. (May 2002). "The effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity. A systematic review." Am J. Prev Med 22 (4 Suppl):
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