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Idea Of Two Philosophers Term Paper

¶ … Chinese philosopher's point-of-view on Confucius. It has 2 sources. Shu-hsien Liu projects in his article titled "Reflection on Methodology " an understanding of the rational behind Confucius and Chinese philosophy. According to Liu Chinese philosophy is relative in terms of its understanding of the Confucianism as a genre for philosophy or hermeneutical understanding. He first projects the premise that Confucianism cannot be really be a philosophy as it does not offer logical arguments and at the same time it is not a religion either as it does not offer absolute commitment of the individual and its terms are vague. Base on this understanding he presents five cases. The first one is the import of Confucius in which he tells of the principles upon which Confucius school of thoughts is based and why various Chinese philosophers prefer to follow Confucius rather than any other metaphysical thinkers or even western thinkers. Secondly he points out the philosophy of Zhu Xi which...

Furthermore Liu also projects an understanding of the Yijing which is also the basis for equilibrium and harmony of one's understanding of historical evidences with spiritual acceptance. Liu also writes about Wang Yang-ming's understanding of the one's understanding through innate knowledge. He uses Zhu Xi as the basis for his framework and then gradually leads it to the principle of li-yi-fen-shu [one principle, many manifestations]. Yang-ming's explains the existential nature of the different interpretation of the Confucian Way which has been derived from the existence of Heaven, Earth and Spiritual. This is later on explained by Liu as the basis for the formation of what we know as the worlds. The world is thus is a subjective and objective interaction.
Part 2

In Chung-ying Cheng's analysis of the rational reconstruction and onto-hermeneutical interpretation as…

Sources used in this document:

Shu-hsien Liu, "Philosophical Analysis and Hermeneutics: Reflection on Methodology.." from Joseph Needham, Science and Civilization in China, Cambridge University Press, 1954.

Chung-ying Cheng, "Onto-Hermeneutical Vision and Analytic Discourse: Interpretation and Reconstruction in Chinese Philosophy" from Joseph Needham, Science and Civilization in China, Cambridge University Press, 1954.
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