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Hospital Management Justification Report [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]


Maintenance Notice | Patient Satisfaction

Transmittal ii


Major Sections of the Report

VMC Utility Tie Breaker Maintenance

Procedures preparation For Total Power Outage

This report from the Facility Director conveys information about an item related to general hospital maintenance and a description of a plan to improve patient satisfaction. The general maintenance notice provides guidance and instructions for preparing for the annual maintenance shutdown of the VMC Utility Tie Breaker. All department heads are responsible for reading the information in this report that will enable them to seamlessly prepare for the maintenance shutdown. In addition, department heads are responsible for communicating the plans for addressing patient satisfaction scores. It is recommended that department heads convey the patient satisfaction plans in writing so that staff has it for future reference, and also provide time to discuss the plans at an upcoming staff meeting. Any questions about items in this report may be directed to the Facility Director, unless other contact personnel have been identified.

Hospital Management Justification Report


Two matters are addressed in this report: The annual maintenance of the VMC Utility Tie Breaker, and, 2) a review of staffing, patient satisfaction, and the general budget focused on improving patient care.

Problem Statement

It has been 10 years since the hospital's patient satisfaction scores have seen a rise. Patient satisfaction scores are an indicator of how well the hospital is carrying out its mission. Our patient satisfaction scores impact the reputation of the hospital important in several ways. When hospital services are being provided at optimal levels, we are effectively...

To accomplish these important goals, hospital staff will conduct continuous quality improvement activities that are directed at addressing this problem in ways that positively impact all stakeholders.

VMC Utility Breaker - The VMC Utility Tie Breaker provides the sole connection between the hospital and the energy power grid; the breaker requires annual maintenance, during which time it is disconnected.

Major Sections of the Report

1. The VMC Utility Tie Breaker, which connects the hospital and the energy power grid, requires annual maintenance, during which time it is disconnected. The purpose of this communication is to ensure that each department has reviewed and identified the lighting and loads that need to be connected to the emergency power source. Any questions should be directed to the engineering department, which will be fully staffed during the outage.

2. The hospital will engage in various activities over the coming year, which are aligned with our continuous quality improvement policies, and are designed specifically to improve patient satisfaction scores and deliver higher levels of patient care. Surveys will be conducted with staff, and with patients following discharge, in order to better understand how the hospital's resources can be directed toward improving patient care and ensuring we are good stewards of our resources.

Scope and Limitations of the Research

This report will address the standard operating procedures associated with VMC Utility Tie Breaker annual maintenance. Further, the report will outline a plan…

Sources used in this document:

Hynes, G. (2012). Participation as a multi-voiced process: Action research in the acute hospital environment. Action Research, 10(3), 293-312. Retrieved from

Koshey, E., Koshy, V., & Waterman, H. (Eds.) (2010). What is action Research [Chapter 1]. In Action Research in Healthcare. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. Retrieved from


Appendix I - Procedures preparation For Total Power Outage
Access http://www.eng.vmc.ccom/it.index.html Then, click "Total Power Outage Guidelines"
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