Homestead Strike
Issues Surrounding the Homestead Strike
The Homestead Strike of 1892 represented one of the bloodiest encounters between Union members and industrial officials in history. The strike revolves around a Carnegie steel mill located in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The entire town of Homestead rose to support the Carnegie Steel Mill, and the steel mill was the lifeblood of the town. Soon, class divisions would become the cause of one of the most violent union strikes in history. This essay will explore the issues surrounding the Homestead Strike including its causes and effects.
Causes of the Homestead Strike
After the Civil War, American ingenuity was at its finest and America became a center for growth and industry. For those that built the industrial institutions that would make the country strong, a particularly privileged lifestyle arose. The small percentage that was able to enjoy this lifestyle hardly stopped to realize that it came at a high cost. The factories needed workers and life for the workers that formed the backbone of these corporations was precarious and fragile.
Workers in the steel mill performed highly dangerous work and many lost their lives due to poor safety conditions within the factories. Steel mills were necessary for the many large scale construction projects that were underway from coast to coast. Steel was needed for buildings, railways,...
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Finally it also represented an important means of conducting the foreign policy from the point-of-view of the French occupation. In this sense, "the North America fur trade of the 17th and 18th centuries had usually been viewed, until recently, as merely another commercial enterprise governed by the premise "buy cheap, sell dear" in order to rip the maximum of profit. Of late the Canadian end of the trade has
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