People of the parish won't know the difference." But the parishioners will know the difference if they wake up one morning and their church is closed; which many fear will be their fate.
If that happens many parishioners feel they would be lost without their church. Theresa Henry stated "I would be devastated if they closed this church. I found solitude coming here, it's helped me through hard times." Before anyone should panic however, Father Peter was quick to comment on the potential closing of Holy Cross Church stating "There's an ongoing planning process, it would be foolish to close down Holy Cross." He also attempted to raise moods by telling parishioners that there would be no decision any time soon and that a final decision won't be made for at least "two years."
Parishioners at Holy Cross Church in Times Square can read...
The Holy Trinity is composed out of three divine individuals that work together in creating one essence. Many people think about this theory as being a paradox, but it is important to understand that one should not necessarily think about logics when considering religion. Science is not powerful enough to explain every unknown idea and religion thus intervenes at times and provides initiatives that are controversial (to say the least).
The popularization of the idea, though was somewhat linguistic in that when speaking of God and the Holy Spirit, different words were used that could mean "person," "nature," "essence," or "substance," -- words that were part of a longer, and far older tradition, but not adopted by the new Church . Later, to echo this interpretation, the French Dominican Yves Conger, wrote that the Spirit of God was equal to
As great as it is to have one thing that everyone shares, it's even better to have more than one to relate to. I think that makes people take their faith even more seriously. I absolutely believe that misconceptions about people's beliefs are common. Protestants believe Catholics worship idols; Christians believe pagans worship demons and dance naked in the woods; believers think atheists are horrible, immoral people. From what I
Catholic Church in Spain and the United States The Catholic Church has been a very significant religious and political institution in the Europe. Its origins can be traced to a thousand years when Christianity was itself in its infancy. It was a symbol of colossal authority and was much regarded as an institution that was as similar to the installed governmental mechanism of any nation state. Its power and influence spread
Christian and a Confucian What is Confucianism? Confucianism represents the system of living espoused and taught by the Chinese philosopher, Confucius, during the 6 thcentury -- 5th century BC. Considered by some as a school of philosophy and by others as an entire religion itself, Confucius's teachings are possibly best described as a comprehensive humanism which doesn't repudiate or rebuff heaven (Confucianism). What is Christianity? The religion of Christianity is grounded in Christ's
On the June 23rd, thanksgiving mass alone, over 600 people attended. Since hearing of Father Peter's departure, the Holy Cross Church has been inundated with calls from concerned and disappointed parishioners on the subject of who will replace him. The community is disturbed because of the need for continuity between current and past policies. Father Peter has done so much work to help Holy Cross, but his mission is far
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