History of Censorship in U.S. Media
Censorship is the official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression that is believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order, and may be imposed by local or national governmental authority, by a religious body, or even by a powerful private group (Censorship pp). These bans or restrictions may be applied to the mails, speech, the press, the theater, dance, art, literature, photography, the cinema, radio, television or computer networks (Censorship pp). Censorship may be either preventive or punitive, depending of whether it is exercised before or after the public expression (Censorship pp). Censorship has been in use since antiquity and has been especially practiced under autocratic and heavily centralized governments, from the Roman Empire to the totalitarian states of the twentieth century (Censorship pp). Censorship has existed in the Untied States since colonial times, with its emphasis, through time, shifting from the political to the sexual (Censorship pp).
There were recurrent attempts to suppress the political freedom of the press in the American colonies, however one victory against censorship was the trial of John Peter Zenger, an American journalist who had emigrated to America from Germany in 1710, and began the New York Weekly Journal in 1733 (Censorship pp). Zenger's publication was an opposition paper to the New York Gazette and to the policies of Governor William Cosby, and although most of the articles were written by Zenger's backers, such as prominent lawyers and merchants, Zenger was held legally responsible and arrested on libel charges and imprisoned in 1734 (Censorship pp). Zenger was defended by Andrew Hamilton, who established truth as defense in cases of libel, and the 1735 trial resulted in the Zenger's acquittal and helped to establish freedom of the press in America (Censorship pp).
Although the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of the press, speech and religion, there have been examples of official political censorship, such as the actions taken under the Sedition act of 1798, which was devised to silence Republican criticism of the Federalists (Censorship pp). The Act's broad proscription of spoken or written criticism of the government, Congress or the President actually nullified the First Amendment freedoms of speech and the press, and many prominent Jeffersonians, most of them journalists, were tried, and some convicted in sedition proceedings (Censorship pp). Other examples include the suppression of abolitionist literature in the antebellum South and local attempts during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to repress publications considered radical, such as during the Cold War when many Americans tried to keep textbooks and teaching they considered deleterious to "the American form of government" out of schools and colleges (Censorship pp). The Freedom of Information Act of 1966 stated that, with some exceptions, the public has the right of access to government records (Censorship pp). In 1971, this issue was challenged with several major newspapers published a secret government study known as the Pentagon Papers, and although the government sued to stop publication, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the newspapers (Censorship pp).
Long before World War I there were vigilante attacks on what was considered obscene literature, such as those led by Anthony Comstock, and in 1873, the United States Post Office expanded its ban on the shipment of obscene literature and art (Censorship pp). Comstock was a morals crusader who served with the Union army during the Civil War and was later active as an anti-abortionist and in advocating the suppression of obscene literature (Censorship pp). He authored the comprehensive New York state statue of 1868 forbidding immoral works and in 1873 secured stricter federal postal legislation against obscene material and also organized the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice (Censorship pp). Until his death in 1915, Comstock was responsible for the destruction of 160 tons of literature and pictures (Censorship pp). This law also forbade distribution of birth control information, and in 1915, Margaret Sanger's husband was jailed for distributing her "Family Limitation," which described and advocated various methods of contraception (Books pp). Margaret fled the country to avoid prosecution but returned in 1916 to start the American Birth Control League, which eventually became Planned Parenthood (Books pp).
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