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Hispanic Male Perception Key Words Research Proposal

In addition, many Latina/o students, male and female, do not recognize that higher education currently constitutes a financially feasible, realistic option for them (Dosal, 2008, ¶ 5). Erica Tortorella (2009) reports in "REACH prep program helps boost Latino presence in private education," that the fact Hispanics and other minority groups are underrepresented in private schools throughout the U.S. reveal that minority students, at all member schools account for only 21.9% of total enrollment.

Hispanics, albeit, account for an only 3.3%. REACH Prep, founded during 1994, aims to help increase "the number of minority students benefiting from a private education. A 501- 3 organization, it provides eight years of middle school through college guidance and preparation, including character building, leadership development and family services (Tortoralla, 2009, ¶ 3). REACH Prep goal is help the two most negatively affected groups advance in the educational by providing access to independent schools.

Hispanic First Generation Educational Influences

Olive (2008) purports in "Desire for higher education in first-generation hispanic college students enrolled in an academic support program: A Phenomenological Analysis.," that numerous empirical studies which examined first-generation college students, those individuals with parents who did not attend college, explored the students' personality characteristics, cognitive development, academic preparation, and first-year performance. Few studies, however, examine the students' motivation for seeking higher education. Even fewer studies, Olive notes, target what motivates the pursuit of higher education in Hispanic students.

The response to the question Olive purposed: "What is the experience of the desire for higher education in Hispanic first generation college students enrolled in an academic support program?" netted two findings. The following structures confirm "the effectiveness of academic outreach programming and identify the roles of self-efficacy": Successful experiences in high school, desire for improved socioeconomic status, a need to contribute to the well-being of others, break with tradition, and the influence of respected role models in facilitating a desire for higher education in these individuals. (Olive, 2008, summary section ¶ 2)

Saenz He adds that from a social perspective, Latino male roles as spouses, fathers and role models for young men could be challenged as a result of their continued struggles on the educational front. Ultimately, these trends could undermine their ability to fulfill the critical economic and social roles that are keys to prosperous families and communities. But DiMaria, 2008, ¶ 21) Reed (2007) that if something is not done about the Hispanic academic eligibility, their numbers will not rise, with the prospect of even completing high school to continue to be the exception.

Positive Hispanic Educational Cultural Characteristics

Charles B. Reed,(2007)"Just being here is not enough!." Currently, educators and communities are not doing enough to help these students get information and take the courses they need to prepare for college. The California Postsecondary Education Commission reports that only 16% of Hispanic and 19% of African-American high school graduates were eligible for CSU in 2004. This compares with 48% of Asian-American and 34% of White graduates (Reed, 2007, ¶5). In California, 78% of Hispanic and 75% of African-American high school graduates did not complete the courses required to enter CSU or the University of California. Bryan Sobey (2006) Diversity is hallmark of fast-growing Hispanic population Hispanic households also vary widely in terms of how long they have been in the United States. In fact, 40% of U.S. Hispanics are foreign-born and tend to be less assimilated into the broader U.S. culture than Hispanics who were born here.. (Sobey, 2006, ¶ 5) Research reveals the Hispanic community

Are focused on their families, and they enjoy spending time at home with them.

A tend to hold traditional values.

A generally media friendly and tend to trust the information presented by newspapers, magazines, radio and television. And they enjoy advertising that is lightly entertaining and gives them something about which to laugh or discuss. (Sobey, 2006, ¶ 6)

In "Understanding the experiences of bilingual, Latino/adolescents: voices from gifted and genera education," E.,Shaunessy, P.A. Mchatton, C. Hughes, a, Brice, and M.S. Ratliff (2007) define the term "Latino": Latino ethnicity, or Latinismo, these authors note hasas been defined as 'an intergroup identity reflecting consciousness of a collective uniqueness derived from shared cultural characteristics such as language and awareness of being different from other social groups in the United States" (Shaunessy, et al., 2007, ¶ 4). The donning a particular ethnic identity relates to the individual attaining a particular power and privilege, and varies with the situation. Adopting...

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M. L Toews,.and a. Yazedjian, (2007) point out in "College adjustment among freshmen: Predictors for white and Hispanic males and females," that although parental support may influence a student, "it may not be the only predictor of college adjustment"
Toews, Yazedjian, 2007, ¶ 1). In their study, Toews and Yazedjian assess numerous personal and interpersonal variables relating to predicgting of the sduent's college adjustment. Toews and Yazedjian (2007) examine a sample of 883 freshmen to determine the extent to which the students' parental support, self-esteem, parental education, and peer support potentially indicted future adjustment during the student's first year of college. Toews and Yazedjian also considered predictor variables, such as race and gender in their regression analyses research effort that ultimately revealed that among all participating groups, except Hispanic males,.self-esteem proved predictive of better adjustment to college for the freshmen. One particularly powerful, potential interpersonal resource students may draw from when adjusting to college, Toews and Yazedjian stress, may be parental support. Although parental support proves significant in some instances, it may not prove to be the single predictor of the college student's adjustment. Even when parents provide emotional support Toews and Yazedjian (2007) contend, when the parents lack college experience, they may not be unable to provide instrumental support during the time their children adjust to the new college context. Parents' college education serves as a type of social capital for children, Toews and Yazedjian explain "when parents impart knowledge, based on their educational experiences, to their children. Thus, the importance of that college education rests in both the presence of parents with a college education and in their willingness to discuss those experiences with their children"

Toews & Yazedjian, ¶ 8).

Parents of college students with some college experience reported the students experienced higher levels of adjustment than students whose parents had never attended college. higher self-esteem was predictive of better adjustment to college among all groups except Hispanic males. In addition, parental education was predictive of overall college adjustment for both White and Hispanic females. Furthermore, White females who had supportive peers reported being better adjusted to college. Basically, research exploring the relationship between parental support and college adjustment, has not been inconsistent. In fact, a number of researchers argue that parental support does not serve as a significant predictor of adjustment. Social support, albeit, frequently positively related to both the student's social, as well as his/her academic adjustment. Studies also purport that parental support does not identically impact the student's adjustment across ethnic groups and gender. Toews and Yazedjian (2007) suggest that future research needs to consider the ways variables, such as parental education, self-esteem, and social support, influence the student's college adjustment. Such variables do in fact differentially predict the adjustment of the male and female in college, as well as for Hispanics and Whites. Those differences Toews and Yazedjian contend merit further exploration. Howard Greene and Matthew Greene (2004) note concerns relating to Hispanic Males dropping out of high school and/or college in "The widening gender gap: Shifting student demographics will have significant impact on college admissions." These authors report:"A significantly greater proportion of students of color and Hispanic students leave high school or college before graduating, especially males."

Having only a few or no role models in their family may influence how those Hispanic males may perceive the value of college. In addition to the impact of the perception of families in regard to attaining a college degree, which may in many instances seem to be an insurmountable goal to some, language barriers, along with financial considerations may also factor into the Hispanic males decision within two pursue higher education.

In her column, "Leaving the boys behind," Janne Perona (2006) points out that across the U.S., schools have high female-to-male ratios on honor rolls, as well as to typically in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. For example, a New York Times recounts that for the class of 2004 in Arizona, "graduation rates among white students were 88.7% for females and 83.7% for males. The percentage gaps were nearly identical for Hispanic, African-American and Asian-American students" (Perona, 2006 ¶ 3). Another recent finding, Perona notes is that Latina female students will be 20% more likely to earn a bachelor's degree than their male peers. In addition, middle-income males revealed a 17% higher probability of degree completion than low-income Latino students.

In "Predictors of distress in Chicana college students," Linda…

Sources used in this document:

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Provitera, McGlynn. (2005). New EPI report on Latinos and the pipeline. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from HighBeam Research:
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Shaunessy, E., Mchatton, P.A., Hughes, C., Brice, a., & Ratliff, M.A. (2007). Understanding the experiences of bilingual, Latino/a adolescents: voices from gifted and general education. Roeper Review, 29(3), 174+. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from Questia database:
Sobey, Bryan. (2006). Diversity is hallmark of fast-growing Hispanic population. MMR. Racher Press, Inc. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from HighBeam Research:
Toews, M.L., & Yazedjian, a. (2007). College adjustment among freshmen: Predictors for white and Hispanic males and females. College Student Journal, 41(4), 891+. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from Questia database:
Tortorella, Erica. (2009). Reach prep program helps boost Latino presence in private education. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from HighBeam Research:
Harry, B., Klingner, J.K., & Hart, J. (2005). African-American Families under Fire: Ethnographic Views of Family Strengths. Remedial and Special Education, 26(2), 101+. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from Questia database:
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