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High Unemployment And An Economic Recession In Research Paper

High unemployment and an economic recession in the United States both have strong effects on the selection decisions of companies. This is due to the fact that companies want to get the most qualified candidate. When there are higher unemployment numbers, there are actually more people applying for the positions that are available. During a recession, though, it can be more difficult to hire for these positions, because the money to hire more people may not be available. Selection methods have to be both valid and reliable. If they are not, they could end up being illegal and violating the ADA or other laws. That can get companies into serious trouble with fines, lawsuits, and related problems, so it is very important to avoid selecting and hiring people based on anything but legal, reliable, and valid characteristics.

Structured interviews are superior to unstructured interviews because they follow a pattern that can be used with every person...

That means the questions asked will be the same, the interviewer will not forget to ask or address something, and he or she can also see how the candidates for the job company based on the questions asked.
4. Interviewers often commit simple errors, but these can be a big problem. For example, an interviewer may ask a person a question that is illegal, and that person may report the interviewer. Sometimes this happens simply because the interviewer is not aware of the illegality of the question.

5. The two types of paper-and-pencil honesty tests are personality-based and overt. These tests try to gauge whether a person will stay on the job, and whether he or she will be honest with the employer. They should be used, as they have been shown to save a lot of money for companies that require their prospective employees to take them.

6. People who are conscientious do things differently. They focus on…

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