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Healthcare System And Healthcare Essay

¶ … Health Care System Healthcare Professionals

Health care providers must be properly integrated at every system level and must be allowed to lead the processes of designing, implementing and operating ideal health systems. Research works identify a number of challenges with regard to healthcare personnel integration. Apparent loss of control, status, returns or practice style modifications may lead to healthcare providers becoming discontented. This discontentment can give way to bitterness and, ultimately, practitioners may end up resisting change (Suter et al., 2009).

Capitalizing on current networks, an intense emphasis on patients and informal inter-provider bonds are anticipated to ease healthcare practitioners' functioning within ideal healthcare systems. Economic integration of healthcare providers, utilization of compensation structures for recruiting and retaining the best candidates, measures for improving workplace climate quality and financial incentives are identified as crucial to system success.

Facilities and Supplies

Amodel healthcare system would include a standard formulated list of standardized healthcare supplies and facilities, depending on preventive care form, diagnostic examinations and therapies healthcare organizations ought to provide. This list will aid in appropriately choosing supplies and facilities, thus contributing to improving resource utilization, management and patient care, therapy and outcomes. Standard lists achieve the goal of improving patient care and therapy by recognizing priority equipment and supplies necessary for treating and avoiding common health issues, and making sure the identified priority articles are at hand in all healthcare organizations. Furthermore, it fosters standardized usage of medical supplies and facilities in treating clients, presenting the base for standard healthcare provider training and clinical procedures.


Technology contributes crucially to making sure the drive towards social and healthcare safety and quality is found at the time and place it is needed. Safe and dependable healthcare is reliant on accessibility and application of valid, understandable, comprehensive, dependable, applicable and suitable technology. Technology constitutes the platform for healthcare service delivery, and the foundation for providing every healthcare intervention. Technology creation, purchase and

Hence, related decision-making should be performed with care for ensuring the ideal fit between technology supply and healthcare system requirements. There is a need for proper balance between recurring expenses and capital outlay, as well as the capability of managingit throughout its lifetime.

A model healthcare system must take infrastructural elements such as
space, layout, water, electricity, equipment requirements, sanitation and hygiene into account for effectively delivering quality disease prevention, healthcare, and illness treatment services integrated with vitalfundamental primary care facilities. The communicable disease burden will decrease and society's health status will improve only if the health sector and the governmental locate significant funds towards appropriate infrastructure to provide healthcare. The following elements are included in an ideal healthcare infrastructure: physical facilities which increase care access; support facilities such as labs and training programs; professional training structures and competent, qualified personnel; reliable medicine and other important materials' supplies; and mechanisms for distributing expertise and resources to individuals in need of them. The ideal system will be equipped to deliver curative, preventive, and diagnostic care, based on individual patient requirements.

Public or Private Financing

Private or public funding of any given healthcare system ought to deal with the following major challenges. Firstly, community members ought not to become broke or be forced to contribute a disproportionate portion of their earnings to obtain necessary healthcare. That is, fair funding necessitates a great deal of pooling of financial risks. Furthermore, poor families must not be made to pay just as much as affluent ones to obtain the same quality of care. After all, poor families' average earnings are much lower and a considerable proportion of their meager earnings go in satisfying their very rudimentary necessities like shelter and food. Hence, communitycontributions to healthcare systems ought…

Sources used in this document:

Nelson, A. (2002). Unequal treatment: confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. Journal of the National Medical Association, 94(8), 666.

Suter, E., Oelke, N. D., Adair, C. E., &Armitage, G. D. (2009).Ten Key Principles for Successful Health Systems Integration. Healthcare Quarterly (Toronto, Ont.), 13(Spec No), 16 -- 23.
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