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Health Information And Health Essay

¶ … Healthcare Delivery Systems and Informatics Meaningful Use (MU)

Under the HITECH Act (2009) financial incentives were offered to physician practices and hospitals who adopted certified electronic health record (EHR) systems and used this technology to improve quality, safety, and efficiency in patient care. This is referred to as "meaningful use". To receive incentives, providers must provide evidence they are meaningfully using their EHR's by meeting a number of identified objectives. Use these links to explore meaningful use. Go to the HealthIT dashboard site and explore hospitals that have demonstrated Meaningful Use through the Medicare EHR Incentive Program.

Link 1: Health IT Dashboard (2015) at

Link 2: (2014). Eligible Hospital and CAH Meaningful Use Table of Contents Core and Menu Set

Objectives at

OR See Table 1: Stage 1 Meaningful Use Objectives under Module 4 in Blackboard

1. List the two (2) states that have the lowest demonstrated MU rate. Briefly explain (with appropriate examples) two (2) ways how lower MU rate might directly impact the patients living in these states as compared with those states with higher MU rates.

ANSWER- Please complete

Two states with lowest MU Rate (2.5 points each for a total of 5 points)

1. Delaware (83% . . . .per Link 1 mentioned above)

2. Hawaii (76% . . . per Link 1 mentioned above)

Briefly explain (with appropriate examples) two (2) ways how lower MU rate might directly impact the patients living in these states as compared with those states with higher MU rates. (5 points each for a total of 10 points)

1. As stated in module 4, the idea is to make use of and leverage EHR. On a basic level, this means that electronic healthcare records must be in place. This is part one of the answer. This is defined in the Module 4-Word document

2. In addition to using EHR, it must be used in a way that leverages the technology in the right and possible way. For this to be achieved, there have to be outcomes like improvement in quality, safety and efficiency, the proper engagement with patietns and families, the improving of care coordination, the improving...

All of this is per the Module 4 material as well.
2. Different states have attained different levels of MU. Briefly explain (with appropriate examples) how these variable rates might impact the providers of these states. Hint: pick two (2) states with contrasting MU rates.

ANSWER- Please complete

Briefly explain (with appropriate examples) how these variable rates might impact the providers of these states. Hint: pick two (2) states with contrasting MU rates. (7.5 points each for a total of 15 points)

1. A state with very high MU rates would serve a patient better since they have the proper technology and are using it. An example would be Utah or Oregon (100%). As previously cited from Module 4, there would be better quality, safety, efficiency, security, care coordination and public health levels.

2. A state that has a lower score either does not have the proper technology in place or, at the very least, they are not properly using it. Examples of these states would be Hawaii (76%) and Idaho (85%). These states are performing at some level of efficiency and good patient outcomes but they are not doing it nearly as well as states like Utah and Oregon, as mentioned above.

3. Name three (3) required objectives for meaningful use stage 1 that hospitals must implement. Briefly discuss how each of these objectives will improve care quality and/or reduce errors.

Answer- Please complete

Name three (3) required objectives for meaningful use stage 1 that hospitals must implement. Briefly discuss how each of these objectives will improve care quality and/or reduce errors. (5 points each for a total of 15 points)

1. Per the table on the fifth page on module 4, one would be maintain problem list

2. Another one would be maintain allergy list

3. A third would be record demographic information. In general, the hospitals have to meet all eleven of the primary objectives and at least five of the optional objectives. There are ten total optional objectives.

Health IT Interoperability and Standards

The Health and Human Services (HHS) recognizes that the actual exchange of…

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