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Health Care And Egypt Research Paper

Quest Diagnostics Economic Support

Social Support

Technological Support

Opportunity Supporting Client's Operational Needs

Threat Factors and Trends


Risk of maintained and possibly new U.S. sanctions

Structural Weaknesses in economy

Social threats


Political Instability

Economic Threats

Poor technology and brain drain

Opportunity and Threat Factors/Trends

Country Level Analyses

Quest Diagnostics has its headquarters positioned in Madison and its main operation encompasses the provision of diagnostic information. The company's operations encompass two arms. One, Diagnostics Solutions Group provides resolutions for insurers, and also the firm's health information technology operation that provides resolutions for healthcare providers. The other arm is Diagnostic Information Services, which nurtures and offers diagnostic testing information and services. The two countries in this essay is Iran and Egypt and the analysis encompasses a PESTEL framework of both nations. From the perspective of Iran, opportunities include political support through the reelection of Hassan and Rouhani, securing the nuclear deal and continuing reign of Ali Khamenei. There is also economic support through the revitalization of business with foreign nations in different fields including healthcare. Third, there is also the increasing population and lack of proper healthcare facilities and provision draws the populace to products and services provided by Quest diagnostics. In addition, there is the high number of young population that are educated and expansion of the technological sector. From the perspective of Egypt, opportunities include new political ties between President Donald Trump and President Abdel Fatah el-Sissi increasing investment and trade agreements. Secondly, there is economic reform through the institution of policies and investments and lastly, Egypt is the trend setter in the region and is embracing health information technology. In addition, there is room for technology enhancement and development in the nation. At the same time, there are threats that are faced in both nations that is expected for prospective businesses such as Quest Diagnostics to face. From Iran's perspective, the most significant risk encompasses the risk of maintain and prospectively new U.S. sanctions. Infringement of such sanctions will only create greater issues and lack of foreign investment and poor ties with the United States. Secondly, there is structural Weaknesses in the economy, making it hard to have successful businesses. Lastly, social threats in the aversion of the Iranian people to western companies. In contrast, with respect to Egypt, there is political instability through increased numbers of terrorism incidents. This poses the greatest threat and can deter businesses from entering the market. Secondly, there are economic threats that create harsh conditions for businesses to prevail. Lastly, there is brain drain and poor technology. Taking all aspects of opportunities and threats into consideration, the recommendation made for Quest Diagnostics is for the company to invest and enter the Iranian market. It offers a more feasible investment opportunity compared to Egypt.


Quest Diagnostics Incorporated is a company that provides diagnostic information services with its center of operations situated in Madison, New Jersey. Quest Diagnostics has two main business operations. To begin with, the company's Diagnostics Solutions Group takes into account its risk evaluation services business, which provides resolutions for insurers, and also the firm's health information technology operation that provides resolutions for healthcare providers. Secondly, there is the Diagnostic Information Services business that cultivates and renders diagnostic testing information and services, rendering acumens that endow and facilitate a variety of consumers, taking into account patients, clinicians, hospices and accountable care organizations (New York Times, 2017). Initially, the company operated as Metropolitan Pathology Laboratory, Inc. since its establishment in 1967. The company changed and became an autonomous corporation in 1996. Quest Diagnostics' services are rendered under the Quest brand name. However, the firm also renders its services under other business brands, including Focus Diagnostics, Quanam, AmeriPath, ExamOne, and Dermpath Diagnostics. Quest Diagnostics has expanded internationally with business operations in Brazil, the United Kingdom, Puerto Rico, Brazil, as well as India. The company is impelled to unravel and render diagnostic discernments and innovations that assist to enhance human health (Quest Diagnostics, 2017).

The purpose of this paper is to perform a country level analysis of...

The analysis will utilize the PESTEL framework to examine the political, social, economic, technological, environmental, and legal opportunity and threat factors together with the trends in the external settings of these two nations in the next 3 to 5 years. This framework is commonly employed to group macro-environmental factors in searching for sources of overall opportunity and risk. In particular, these sources are essential and changes in them, can give rise to the transformation of industries, especially in the longstanding period (Witcher and Chau, 2010). Finally, the paper will offer a recommendation as which nation offers the better new market for Quest Diagnostics to undertake its business operations.
Opportunity Factors and Trends

Economic Market Opportunity and Economic Growth

In accordance to recent data and information, the economy of Egypt appears to be progressively picking itself up. Despite that the fact business and market conditions continue to diminish in the non-oil sector, the Purchasing Managers Index escalated to its greatest level in almost a year. Moreover, production in the industries has soared in the contemporary market, making progresses lost in the preceding financial year, whilst Central Bank reserves escalated yet again as investors are increasingly bringing their investments back to Egypt. However, the inflation of the nation is just about climaxing, notwithstanding at an agonizingly high rate causing the purchasing power of consumers to deteriorate (Focus Economics, 2017). On the other hand, Iran has experienced a recent spring up in its oil sector, which has given rise to a 7.4% growth. Nonetheless, activity in the nation's non-oil business sector continues to be restricted by structural shortcomings, especially a tattered banking system and high level of unemployment amidst the young and women populaces. In addition, the nation has just re-elected President Hassan Rouhani for a second term who won emphatically and therefore the nation is expected to have strong economic growth through his continued reform agenda (Focus Economics, 2017). The following analyses indicate the five-year economic forecasts of the two nations.

The diagram above illustrates the projected Gross Domestic Product growth rate of Iran and Egypt in the next financial years until 2020. The diagram indicates that both nations will experience positive growth in the forthcoming financial periods. However, as can be perceived in the chart, it is forecasted and projected that Iran will have a bigger growth rate on its GDP compared to Egypt.

The diagram above illustrates the GDP of the two nations, Egypt and Iran for the next financial periods until 2020. As demonstrated, Iran will have a significantly greater GDP in comparison to Egypt consistently for the next financial periods. This implies that Iran is expected to have a healthier economy in the prospective future and therefore the total currency value of the goods and services in Iran in the next period until 2020 will be greater compared to those in Egypt.

Inflation is a key financial indicator of the health and status of an economy. The chart above illustrates that both nations will experience a consistent decline in their inflation rates in the next financial periods until 2020. However, it is expected that Iran will have a significantly lower rate of inflation compared to that of Egypt. This implies that Egypt will experience a general increase in prices and a decline in the purchasing power of money within the nation and thereby having an adverse impact on the economy.

The diagrams above illustrate the individual projections of consumer spending levels in Egypt and Iran. It is perceived that in the next three years, both countries will face an increased level of consumer spending, which implies that the economies will be healthy as the general population will have funds for spending and consumption.

Opportunity Support Factors

Political Support

One of the political opportunity support factor in Iran is the reelection of Hassan Rouhani. The Iranian President won a pivotal and significant victory for a second 4-year term. Taking into consideration that he was able to secure the nuclear deal with the United States together with fiver other super powers in his first term, Rouhani's reelection means that this is an opportunity to better leverage its profits into perceptible gains that will ooze down to the general public of Iran. In addition, from a political perspective, there has been several international sanctions against Iran that have been lifted owing to the arrangement. This implies that there are great chances of continued political stability in Iran. Moreover, under the nation's political system, aspects of the nation for the past 30 years have been resolved and ruled by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is the Supreme Leader of Iran (Rafati, 2017).

The United States relations with Egypt have fluctuated over the years. In particular, President Barack Obama made the decision to freeze financial aid to the nation's capital city subsequent to Egypt's army, commanded by then General Sissi, dethroned and ousted the country's first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi. One year later, through elections, Sissi was voted President of Egypt. Poor relations between the US and Egypt were perceived subsequent to Obama failing to invite the newly President elect to the White…

Sources used in this document:

Egypt in Chicago. (2014). Egypt's Economic Recovery & Investment profile. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:

Euler Hermes. (2017). Iran. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:

Focus Economics. (2017). Egypt Economic Outlook. Retrieved 5th June 2016 from:

Focus Economics. (2017). Iran Economic Outlook. Retrieved 5th June 2016 from:
Global Security. (2017). U.S.-Egyptian Relations. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
Guerin, C. (2017). Egypt's counter-terrorism shortcomings hamper political stability. Global Risk Insights. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
Hormats, R. D. (2016). Post-Sanctions Economic Opportunities and Risks in Iran. Atlantic Council. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
New York Times. (2017). Quest Diagnostics Inc. Retrieved 5th June 2016 from:
Pargoo, M. (2016). How sanctions helped Iranian tech industry. Al-Monitor. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
Quest Diagnostics. (2017). Our Products & Services. Retrieved 5th June 2016 from:
Rafati, N. (2017). Rouhani's Win in Iran May Not Ease Path on Promises. United States Institute of Peace. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
Rafizadeh, M. (2017). Doing Business with Post-Sanctions Iran: Risks and Opportunities. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
Samir, M. (2017). Egypt's economy: outlook and challenges in the eyes of international financial institutions. Daily News Egypt. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
U.S Department of State. (2016). 2016 Investment Climate Statements. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
World Health Organization. (2006). Health System Profile: Egypt. Retrieved 6 June 2017 from:
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