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Handmaid's Tale Term Paper

¶ … Handmaid's Tale To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." [Genesis 3:16] -- (Chapter 19)

The above verse was revealed after Eve was deceived by the serpent and she ate the forbidden fruit and made Adam eat is as well. Then God cursed Eve stating that she will have to go through pain during labor. The Republic of Gilead interprets and follows this verse in a way that God wants woman to give birth through the pain and if they try to use methods to ease the pain, then they are defying God's plan. Being extremist Christians, they prohibited the use of any pain killers. As Aunt Lydia is seen to explain that women are not allowed to use such pain killers because God wanted women to suffer and it is beneficial for the child...

Of course God never intended it to be like this forever and the Republic of Gilead is misinterpreting the verses of God. This leads on to the fact that women do not wish to have children. They do not want to undergo severe torture when technology did give them a way to reduce the pain. What is seen then, is the decline in the birthrate even below the "line of replacement" as explained by Aunt Lydia. Such women who wish not to undergo such pain took the step of getting their tubes tied or they simply poisoned their bodies. God did not intend women to undergo such needless pain and there is no Biblical rule that women are forbidden to use any method to ease the pain. Jesus came to earth so that the original sin is forgiven through his blood. Then what law can make women suffer for a sin that was forgiven with the blood of Jesus? Hence it…

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