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Governance In America Federal Government Essay

Citizens have over the past years grown weary of politicians and their brand of politics and are therefore increasingly sidestepping their representative system by putting their own laws to popular vote. Their recent resolve to come up with ballot initiatives to bar government from passing legislations that prohibit discrimination on basis of sexual orientation is a pointer on what the future holds for civil rights legislations (Gamble, 1997). Widespread same sex marriage can have devastating effects on the American culture. American laws were written based on certain world views and to be precise, the Judeo-Christian world-view. This is clearly depicted in laws that touch on marriage. Marriage, according to this world-view, is supposed to be a sacred union between a man and a wife. The Judeo-Christian world-view on marriage underscores the uniqueness of marriage. In fact, it posits that marriage is the foundation of civilization itself. It is an emotional, physical, and spiritual union between a man and a wife. In marriage, one becomes complete. The physical nature of marriage is epitomized through procreation. Marriage, based on the Judeo-Christian world view, is the...

You would imagine what would happen when men were allowed to freely marry men and women-women. The physical nature of marriage would be historical as there would be no procreation.
There are chances that if presidents are elected through national popular vote as opposed to Electoral College voter fraud would be reduced. Arguments have been advanced to the effect that the Electoral College system allows presidential candidates to win presidency without the backing of the popular vote as evidenced in 2000. To some, this is not fair. Electoral College also tends to favor small or large population states because they have more electoral votes.

References List

Anonymous (2011). Constitutional role of federal government. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from

Craven, S.M. (2008). In Defense of Marriage. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from

Gamble, S.B. (1997). Putting civil rights to a popular vote. American Journal of political

Science, 41(1), 245-269.

Sources used in this document:
References List

Anonymous (2011). Constitutional role of federal government. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from

Craven, S.M. (2008). In Defense of Marriage. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from

Gamble, S.B. (1997). Putting civil rights to a popular vote. American Journal of political

Science, 41(1), 245-269.
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