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Good Leader And Leadership Essay

¶ … Leader? The guide Best Practices for Tobacco Control Programs has among the best practices there is opportunity to glean what effective leadership looks like from an outcome perspective. For example, on page 64, the following tasks are identified as success factors:

• Strategic planning

• Recruiting and developing talent

• Coordinating program implementation

• Developing a fiscal management system

• Coordinating across programs

• Educating public

These are all important functions, illustrating that leadership needs to do the following. Leadership needs to work with people in different organizations, needs to have vision for planning and human development purposes, have a high level of managerial functionality and should be able to bridge communication gaps to achieve outcomes.

Furthermore, a good leader should be able to build other leaders. Page 66 of the guide talks about the importance of multi-level leadership, which fostered buy-in and leadership from a variety of different, related entities, and also from within. There is a recognition that leadership is something required throughout an organization in order that the organization is a success. Preparing staff to move into leadership roles was a key element of the program. Brungardt (1997) notes that leadership is made, and there is a critical role for leadership development programs to play in situations...

Zerfass and Huck (2007) discusses the role of strategic communication as a critical component of leadership. This refers to the idea above -- building coalitions and relationships, the ability to delegate and the ability to share decision-making. With effective communication that ties back to strategy, all of these are made easier.
For me, these skills are generally sources of strength for me, but not all. I feel that I am strong in everything except relationship-building and coalition-building, though I am definitely improving on that front. Perhaps coalition-building in the biggest challenge right now.

These areas of weakness are there because of a general weakness in direct interpersonal communications. While I am effective in communicating what I want, I may not be the strongest at getting to understand what others want. I am learning to listen better and respond to others based on their needs, which is really helpful because interpersonal communication is really what lies at the heart of leadership. Being able to take different concepts and tie them together has always been easy; being able to take different interests and focus everybody on a singular goal has not been. So while I have the baseline logical skill, I have been let down by my willingness to put aside my own interests long enough to listen to…

Sources used in this document:

Brungardt, C. (1997) The making of leaders: A review of the research in leadership development and education. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 3 (3)

King, B., Pechacek, T. & Mariolis, P. (2014) Best practices for tobacco control programs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved May 28, 2017 from

Zerfass, A. & Huck, S. (2007). Innovation, communication and leadership: New developments in strategic communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication Vol. 1 (2) 107-122.
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