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Global Response To Refugees & Thesis

This result of Aiken's analysis stemmed from the problematic conceptualization of the definition of 'terrorism.' Like UN international laws against terrorism, the lack of clear definition identifying terrorism and terrorists and other innocent individuals makes Canada's Immigration Law not only mutually exclusive, but also unfairly defined and does not favor and in fact, causes detriment, against 'aliens' sincerely seeking and non-maliciously seeking asylum. Similarly, Zard (2002) looked into the technical details surrounding several laws pertaining to refugees, such as the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, UK Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act of 2001, and Uniting and Strengthening Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA-PATRIOT Act). While the first law does not provide a clear definition of acts relating to terrorism, allowing...

Zard's analysis further reinforced the fact that currently, the global response towards refugees and terrorists have not been discriminating enough, and in fact, laws in Western nations have made it possible for terrorists to be treated as asylum seekers, and refugees, to be treated unfairly as terrorists.
Works cited

Aiken, S. (2001). "Manufacturing "terrorists": Refugees, national security, and Canadian Law." Refuge, Vol. 19, No. 3.

Zard, M. (2002). "Exclusion, terrorism and the Refugee Convention." Forced Migration Review, Vol. 13.

Sources used in this document:
Works cited

Aiken, S. (2001). "Manufacturing "terrorists": Refugees, national security, and Canadian Law." Refuge, Vol. 19, No. 3.

Zard, M. (2002). "Exclusion, terrorism and the Refugee Convention." Forced Migration Review, Vol. 13.
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