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Genetics And Human Disease Millions Research Proposal

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is linked to genetic inheritance, and more than 250 genes have been explored as having potential links with CAD. Although these genes are thought not to directly pass on CAD, research has seen that some mutations within these particular genes actually increase the risk of CAD within an individual who as immediate family members who have already suffered from the affects of CAD. Further research has pinpointed six genes out of that larger batch which may also play a role in heart disease. As seen in people who have experienced heart disease, variations of these six genes prove relatively common in individuals under the age of sixty-six years old. Researchers are using these new and continuous findings regarding heart disease's genetic base in order to compile genetic testing which can prepare individuals to have to potentially take...

Utilizing genetic testing can inform individuals of their risks, and what is needed to help prevent the onslaught of heart disease, "A genetic profile would enable individuals to adopt the habits most likely to reduce risk -- because different genes or gene combinations respond differently to changes in diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, or medications,." Therefore, knowing ones genetic profile can help alter the external, situational, and arbitrary factors which can lead to heart disease.
Another major illness which affects millions all over the globe that can be associated with genetic information is the various forms of cancer which can afflict individuals of all races and ethnicities. When cancer occurs in a single cell, that cell's genes then go completely awry and the normal reproduction of cells

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