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Gender Identity And Lgbt Chapter

LGBT Equality/Community The Theme of LGBT

LGBT is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. This umbrella term emphasizes a range of gender identity/sexuality-based cultures. Non-cis-genders or non-heterosexuals are also occasionally referred to using this word (as LGBTQ), with the addition of the alphabet 'Q' to denote queer people or those questioning or unsure of their gender identity. Their public declaration of their gender identity hinges on their surrounding environment (whether discriminatory or not), and LGBT rights in the place where they reside (Subhrajit).

According to Subhrajit, LGBTs are continually subject to immense challenges living in communities that consider only heterosexuality as acceptable and normal, and homosexuality as an abnormality. They are discriminated and excluded worldwide in every domain of life. Homophobia-linked abuse and violence targeted at LGBTs is witnessed regularly. Very few governments grant LGBT couples safeguards and rights equal to those enjoyed by conventional, opposite-sex ones. Hence, LGBT couples are disadvantaged when it comes to accessing healthcare services, pensions and other social protections. Most LGBTs thus tend to conceal their true identity or simply bear persecution patiently because they are afraid they will go jobless. Especially vulnerable are LGBT youth estranged from their friends and families, and facing invisibility and persecution at school. This contributes to their underachievement in academics, homelessness, drop-out, and mental ailments. Such bias denies them equality of access to important social goods including education, housing, healthcare and jobs, in addition to subjecting them to social marginalization and exclusion.

The aforementioned LGBT-related problem is seen in American politics as well. US President Trump's campaign revealed his active opposition...

Trump argued that he was conventional and supported domestic partnership assistance. Subsequently, he reversed, claiming he was against civil unions as well. He accepted the North Carolinian anti-LGBTQ legislation "HB2", and chose Mike Pence as his candidate for Vice President. Vice President Pence is the biggest campaigner of American anti-LGBT discrimination; he signed a bill permitting companies to discriminate against, and refuse to provide services to, LGBTQs. Trump also asserted that federal regulation ought to safeguard citizens against sexual orientation-centered discrimination but adopted aggressive anti-equality stands when formally nominated. He voiced his intention to repeal the previous government's regulation which required treatment of transgenders with dignity and permitting them entry into restrooms based on their gender orientation. Trump, after taking the helm, decided upon not unilaterally undoing all executive orders passed by Obama. The Trump government's press secretary, upon being questioned during his foremost Washington Blade daily briefing about the potential repealing of LGBT protections, claimed he had no idea. A few hours later, the government reversed its decision in the face of increasing outrage against Trump, issuing a statement that Trump still supports and respects LGBTQ rights (Grindley).
Expressions and Representations of LGBT in the Humanities Field

All humanities courses/subjects address the LGBTQ question, discussing it in subjects like love, acceptance and struggling.

Love for the LGBT in Music

LGBT equality is the defining modern-day civil rights subject. However, the music industry has forever contributed positively to LGBT progress. Ryan Lewis and Macklemore sang Same Love (a hit gay anthem which grabbed the No. 11 spot on the chart "Hot 100") for thirty-three straight and LGBT couples married live by rapper, Queen Latifah, during the 2014 Grammy Awards. The event became a merry live, nationwide-broadcasted celebration of love and marriage equality for all. This event also featured Madonna (who sang "Open Your Heart"), Trombone Shorty (horn player) and Mary Lambert (vocalist). Latifah claimed the song was a love tune for all. GLAAD, as reported to The Hollywood Reporter, labeled this event the most recent in an expanding list of indications that America is now accepting and embracing same-sex couples' commitment and love (Billboard Staff).

Struggle of Identity for the LGBT in Literature

The City and the Pillar (1948) by Gore Vidal reveals Jim Willard, a man struggling to understand himself…

Sources used in this document:
Works Cited

Billboard Staff. "25 Pivotal LGBT Moments In Music." 6 Oct 2014. Accessed 23 Feb 2017.

Bruns, Todd. "Boys and Brokeback: American Attitudes towards Gays." 1 Jan 2012. Accessed 23 Feb 2017.

Grindley, Lucas. "Trump Backtracks on Campaign Promise, Won't Overturn LGBT Protections." 31 January 2017. Accessed 23 Feb 2017.

Sorboen, Marianne. "But I am a Man!" Masculinity and Homosexuality in The City and the Pillar and Giovanni's Room." 2012. Accessed 23 Feb 2017.
Subhrajit, Chatterjee. "Problems Faced by LGBT People in the Mainstream Society: Some Recommendations. " International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), Vol. 1, No. 5, 2014, pp. 317-331. Accessed 23 Feb 2017.
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