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Flat 2006 , Thomas Friedman Describes The New Thesis

¶ … Flat (2006), Thomas Friedman describes the new global capitalist economy and how it has affected the United States, as well as the type of skills and education that will be most in demand in the 21st Century. Even white-collar workers, managers and engineers have been doing poorly because of globalization, while unskilled and semiskilled blue-collar workers have been devastated. Construction and manufacturing workers with only a high school education have been losing ground in wealth and incomes to the elites for the last thirty years. This era has been far better for the creative and imaginative designers of new technologies than those performing routine tasks. For the last ten years, the majority of Americans were surviving through inflated credit, mortgage and asset bubbles, but when these collapsed in 2008-09 their true economic situation became stark. Friedman's main thesis is that those workers with flexible, adaptive, creative skills who can understand the new technologies and learn to work as part of a global team will thrive, while those trapped in the old economy will continue to experience diminished living standards and find their jobs either outsourced to Asia or to the past. Friedman is certainly correct that this has been occurring for the last thirty years, although he underestimates just how unpopular the process has been in the United States, especially because it has been designed of, for and by elite groups to benefit themselves and often in a highly undemocratic manner -- a problem that has been getting worse in recent years. In a 'flat' or globalized world, everyone is part of an international supply chain, with buyers and sellers in many countries. Those who cannot think globally will not survive, since every young person in America is now in competition with their peers in China, India and Brazil, even if they never see them in person (Friedman, p. 278). Friedman makes the same point that those who survive...

People like Madonna, Michael Jordan, brain surgeons and cancer specialists cannot be outsourced or automated. They are the new 'untouchables', but they are only a small minority of the world's population (Friedman, p. 282). Those who can work comfortably in teams as part of large, multinational organizations will also thrive in this new system, such as the North American employees of an Indian firm like Infosys. So will creative writers, editors, organizers, explainers and synthesizers of information and ideas, such as those who can explain digital photography and other new technologies. America once had a "deep and broad middle class" and both its democracy and political stability depended on it, but this middle class has been shrinking for decades (Friedman, p. 284). Its education system was designed in the early era of industrialization and mass production, and simply is not preparing young people for this new, global economy (Friedman, 2009, NY Times). It will have to train flexible, adaptable workers who are prepared for new technologies that will rapidly phase out old jobs, not simply narrow specialists or shallow generalists (Friedman, p. 297). As billions of people from Asia start to move into the middle class, there will also be many more green jobs involving sustainable and renewable use of resources, along with jobs that provide personalized services in local markets that cannot be outsourced. Mathematicians who can organize the mountains of data about customers on the Internet into useful models are also in high demand (Friedman, p. 301). New computer graphics technology has radically changed art and design, made it a field not just for specialists but for anyone with the right computer software (Friedman, p. 305).
Friedman is correct that the older mass production and…

Sources used in this document:

Friedman, T.L. (2006). The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. NY: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.

Friedman, T.L. (2009). "The New Untouchables" New York Times, October 21, 2009.

West, C. (1993, 2001). Race Matters. Boston: Beacon Press.
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