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Film Industry And Movies Annotated Bibliography

Ilbo, Hankook, "Illegal Distribution of Movies Bleeding the Film Industry," Korea Times, 7 December. 1999 Tuesday, Pg. 1. LexisNexis. Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. 20 Apr. 2017.

According to government agencies of the film industry, illegal downloading of movies online has expanded recently. Ilbo states that when movies come out online a few weeks after the movie has come out in theaters affects the film industry financially. These damages are not just to the film production company but also to the director and actors, because when the industry as a whole makes less money so do the people who earn their livelihoods from producing films. It is a serious issue for the film industry now to be able to provide people with a superior movie theater experience in order that they are willing to purchase a ticket instead of illegally downloading to watch at home.

Espejo, Roman, "Copyright Infringement," Book, 2009. 21. Apr 2017. Pg 268.

Espejo presents articles both supporting and opposing issues relating to copyright infringement, including the legal...

For users, sharing movies illegally is an efficient and easy way to watch a movie at home or somewhere else. On the other hand, for the economy of the film industry it is opposite that it influences negatively box office revenue for the movie. This is significant for people who are involved in the production of the movie. The paper covers both sides because copyright is there to protect the financial investments of those making movies, but ignoring copyright is the best way for consumers to see a movie cheaply.
Pike, George H. "Changes in the battle over illegal file sharing." Information Today,

Apr. 2017, p. 16. Academic OneFile, Accessed 23 Apr. 2017.


Pike writes for this article about CAS (The Copyright Alert System) developed by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) can help film industry from movie sharing illegally, which has become a significant problem around the world as Internet usage becomes commonplace about twenty years ago. CAS is a security system that is observing people who downloading and sharing movies illegally and sending a notification to the users regarding an alleged infringement of copyrighted works. Pike mentions that CAS is not perfect system to monitor every single online illegal downloading since it might have difficulty to new technologies such as stream ripping; yet it definitely…

Sources used in this document:
The Film Industry, edited by Roman Espejo, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 20 Apr. 2017. <>

One of the main factors causing a movie piracy is that college and university students, who were once up to forty-four percent of annual income for the film industry, are stealing movies for free. This piracy results in $6.1 billion in losses for the film industry. The author puts forth the argument that while the film industry wants consumers to know how wonderful films are, the reality is that if students stopped downloading there is no guarantee that they would be interested in certain movies -- they might be willing to watch them, but they are not willing to pay for them. Further, studios are often limited in their ability to market films.

That said, the author argues that piracy is the main obstacle for developing the film industry today. Downloading movies illegally also exposes uses to viruses, because there are few anti-virus controls associated with file sharing. As long as students are sharing files, they are not capable of avoiding viruses. It is for the benefit of both the film industry and students to eliminate file sharing.
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