¶ … Shift From First-order to Second-Order Cybernetics in the Family and Systemic Therapies
The strategic family therapy model came up in the 1950s and was inspired by two primary works: the works of Milton Erickson who came up with revolutionary paradoxical interventions which took advantage of people's resistance to change to help alter psychiatric symptoms first; and the works of Gregory Bateson and the Palo Alto Group that made use of cybernetics in communication patterns of the family. The style of a therapist changes as he or she gets better as a person and as they develop professionally, and also as per what is in fashion at the time. An older person has the chance to look at what happened in their past and see what worked and what failed. This gives them a better perspective of what works and what might not work for a given situation. The path is important in growing as a professional (Minuchin et al., 2007).
Mara Selvini-Palazzoli, who was one of the great pioneers of the field, was courageous enough to share the mistakes she had made and the projects she was starting on. Every new project had with it the necessary certainty, seemingly, so as to give her the push to go on. But again, to the amazement of her followers and students, another beginning followed and it had similar certainty. Circular questioning replaced paradoxes; invariable prescriptions superseded family games and her mates Cecchin and Boscolo adopted a focus on construction of meaning (Minuchin et al., 2007).
The position assumed in this paper
The paper argues that both first and second order cybernetics have limitations that lead to subjective family descriptions. It is clear that as therapy-processes developed objective classifications and deductions of families-based research became challenging; this challenge has little to do with different researchers perceiving family from diverse viewpoints and more to do with the methodological limitations inherent in both first-order and second-order cybernetics in the family and systemic therapies.
Perspective on Reality
Drawing from the perspective of first order cybernetic someone could ask what reality really is. The question would therefore not be in harmony with the perspective of the second order cybernetic as it implies that there is just but one value or construct for the idea of reality. It implies a truth which can be obtained and discovered and which can be made use of as a sample. The second order perspective is opposed to the idea of the existence of a finite truth and a real objective world (Baron, 2007).
Our perception of reality was challenged by Maturana. He concluded from his findings that there wasn't a way to be certain of the existence of what we are thinking we are seeing. His proposal was of a self-enclosed nervous system. He talks about structural coupling. This, as per Hoffman (1985), is like skipping a rope while your eyes are closed. The stimulus isn't actually "obtained" or "touched" but rather invisible mutually constrained trajectories are generated and their connections present themselves on your panel. Reality therefore is a construct of the society. Our perception of reality isn't a match of the objects and events in our environment but is actually observer-dependent (Boscolo et al., 1987; Baron, 2007).
Evidence Base Politics
There is great pressure from private and public funding for mental health on family therapists today for them to demonstrate evidence. There is tough competition from cognitive and biological therapies that have the backing of powerful and notable voices that represent clinical psychology and psychiatry disciplines. The recent past has seen practitioners being encouraged by a growing body of research that show family therapy to be effective in several clinical problems and populations (Campbell, 1997; Carr 2000a, 2000b; Pinsoff and Wynne, 2000; Sprenkle, 2003). For instance, Sprenkle (2003) edited an entire "gold standard" outcome research volume showing that family therapy as a discipline is becoming evidence-based (Asen, 2004).
It isn't long ago when a significant population of systematic therapists made the argument that systemic paradigm that focuses on circularity isn't very much compatible with the linear methods of research of the modern times. While people need to appreciate the possibility of various perspectives clashing in the field (Asen et al., 1991), a number of therapists have come to the realization that the methods they avail must prove to work or they won't survive in the current evidence-base environment. Actually, research has been ongoing in systemic therapy for a long time now. There are several studies in the field having varying quality. There is a huge amount of data available and good summaries...
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