Fabric Store
What does this store specialize in selling? Who is the target customer for this store? Do they sell fashion fabrics or home fabrics or both?
This store sells textiles, trims, buttons, thread, and various sewing and DIY fashion tools. The target consumer includes individuals who can or want to make their own clothes or household accessories. Most of the customers in the store are female, but ages range from teenager to senior. Fashion fabrics are their specialty but some can also be used for interior design.
What classifications do they sell? Fabric, buttons, patterns, etc. Please be descriptive.
The store sells all of these classifications: fabric, buttons, patterns, threads, and accessories.
How does the store merchandise their fabrics? How are their textiles organized? (i.e. knits, woven's, novelty, leather, fiber contents, etc.). Please list all.
The textiles are organized into classification, which also reflects cost and quality. Leathers are distinct from silks, which are distinct from knits. Some prints enjoy their own sections, too. General sections included denims, cottons, cotton-poly blends, laces, and...
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He has always kept his focus on the high society types, and has only in the past decade reached to a broader market of young consumers. In conclusion, Oscar de la Renta is one of the premier designers in the world, and his name will carry on long after his death. His clothes are classic ad feminine, and use shapes and colors that are appealing to all women from young
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But these markets are far more deeply explored and mined, both by X-L and its competition. Plus, China's middle class is still growing, and even from a geographical perspective, there is more 'outdoors' in China in which citizens can deploy their sporting skills, in comparison the more densely populated other Asian nations. Not only lifestyles have changed but the idea of spending money on sporting clothes is still relatively new.
45). There are also important racial issues that are examined throughout "A Touch of Evil"; these are accomplished through what Nerrico (1992) terms "visual representations of 'indeterminate' spaces, both physical and corporeal"; the "bordertown and the half-breed, la frontera y el mestizo: a space and a subject whose identities are not fractured but fracture itself, where hyphens, bridges, border stations, and schizophrenia are the rule rather than the exception" (Nericcio,
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