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Evolution The Concept Of Evolution Term Paper

Defenders of evolution acknowledge that their boycott leaves opponents unchallenged but said that they hoped their absence would help to defuse the "media-saturated argument over science and the Bible" (Johnson pp). Efforts to require schools to teach the purported errors of evolution are under way in nearly two dozen states, and are led by two groups of activists (Johnson pp). One group consists of religious conservatives who believe the traditional biblical account that God created the world in six days (Johnson pp).

The other group are the advocates of intelligent design and consists of "intellectual thinkers, some of them scientists, who argue that life on the planet is too complex to have come about without some sort of guiding intelligence" (Johnson pp). Mainstream scientists call them "creationism lite," however, Christian activists have united...

Evolution doesn't meant that there isn't a God. But they make it out that if you believe in evolution, you're an atheist. They've made it a cultural war" (Johnson pp).
Works Cited

Johnson, Alex. "The evolution of a fight to the end." MSNBC News. May 7, 2005.

In the states: evolution education related legislation surfaces across the country." Georgia Journal of Science; 12/22/2004; pp.

Dutch, Steven. "Aftermath of Evolution." Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay; pp.

Evolution." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; 2/24/2005

Sources used in this document:
Works Cited

Johnson, Alex. "The evolution of a fight to the end." MSNBC News. May 7, 2005.

In the states: evolution education related legislation surfaces across the country." Georgia Journal of Science; 12/22/2004; pp.

Dutch, Steven. "Aftermath of Evolution." Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay; pp.
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