Strategic Evangelism: A Plan
The Biblical and Historical Foundation for Local Church Evangelism
The biblical and historical foundation for local church evangelism can be found in Scripture as well as the history of Christianity from the time of the Apostles to now. In Scripture, for example, we find the various letters written to different churches throughout the realm, where the world's first Christian missionaries had embarked and established local churches. In Acts of the Apostles is described the efforts of these missionaries as they went to spread the Word of God, converting new peoples and dealing with new cultures where outlooks were not always the same as they were in the previous place. Thus, one finds in the Epistles of St. Paul, for instance, various methods of persuasion and advice which are pertinent to those people in that particular place -- and yet which hold a universal significance as well, because deep down human nature is essentially the same regardless of locale.
The special qualities of the Apostles also played a part in how these first missionaries went out to evangelize. As Eusebius notes, St. Luke likely hailed from Syria and, as St. Paul notes, he was outside the circle of the circumcised (meaning he was not a Jew). And yet Luke took upon himself the task of learning the history and culture of the Jews because he knew 1) that Christianity was the fulfillment of the Hebrew Old Testament (so there was a logical reason to learn about the Jews -- for the sake of theological continuity), and 2) that he would be preaching to these people. Thus, the historical foundation for local church evangelism is rooted in catering to the needs of those being evangelized.[footnoteRef:1] The same system applied to the Evangelists whenever they encountered new peoples, whether Greek, Persian, Indian, or Asian. Indeed, Jackson Wu notes that Acts describes "great numbers of converts, as in Antioch (11:21), Iconium (14:1), Derbe (14:21), Thessalonica (17:4), Berea (17:12) and Corinth (18:10)."[footnoteRef:2] While these converts were no doubt due to a tremendous infusion of grace at the outset of the early Church, there was surely some special identification made between the missionaries and the locals -- as for example in Acts 2:6 when the "Galileans" are heard preaching to each in his own tongue. [1: C. Lindberg, A Brief History of Christianity (UK: Blackwell, 2006), 18-20.] [2: Jackson Wu, "There are No Church Planting Movements in the Bible: Why Biblical Exegesis and Missiological Methods Cannot be Separated," Global Missiology English, vol. 1, no. 12 (2014), 1.]
From the historical point-of-view, one finds the spread of Christianity and the establishment of local churches as part of the process of evangelism. For instance, when the New World was discovered, missionaries came from Europe to convert the Native Americans. They did this by establishing local churches and evangelizing each group as they encountered them. Likewise, each group had its own peculiarities which needed to be understood in order for the missionaries to "plant the seeds of faith" so to speak. [footnoteRef:3] Just as the soil must be tilled, so too have evangelists around the world needed to work with the soil of the soul wherever they have gone. Thus, one finds St. Thomas in India, Francis Xavier in Asia, John Winthrop in New England -- each establishing the local church as part of their evangelical directive. [3: Thomas Woods, How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization (DC: Regnery Publishing, 2005), 2.]
Developing a Strategic Plan
Even though every locale is unique with its own set of people, there should be unity in so far as the teaching of Jesus Christ is found from one place to the next.[footnoteRef:4] This means that what Christ teaches us is the same no matter where one is and applies to all. How that message is communicated is what is different and depends upon the situation that the evangelist finds before him. The evangelist is given a pile of cards and must play his hand accordingly. This is an important point to remember in developing a strategic plan for mobilizing a local church in evangelism locally. [4: James Scherer, New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 2: Theological Foundation (NY: Orbis Books, 2008), 14.]
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