Part 3
In my observations, I watched children between the ages of seven to twelve at a middle school during recess. Most were Caucasian and middle-class, thus I was not able to observe racial or socio-economic differences, only gender differences. Some of my observations confirmed what I had read. Children who were angry, aggressive, and did not have a group of friends to talk to on the playground were more likely to cut in line to play on popular equipment. However, the gender difference was much more pronounced than the literature might reveal. Rejected girls seemed more likely to withdraw from games, than attempt to become involved and to cheat to show mastery through cheating.
Another interesting observation was that cheating was not confined to rejected children. I noticed that in one baseball game, a popular and well-liked and highly skilled child was 'inching' off of a base in an attempt to 'steal.' There was also a great deal of 'traveling' in pick-up basketball games, and a denial that someone had been really tagged in games. In one line of children waiting for the swings, a popular girl accepted her friend's offer of a swing, which effectively meant cutting in line in front of everyone else. However, the more popular children seemed to be able to cheat in a more subtle fashion, or to conceal it in the guise of friendship, in the case of the girl, or competition, in the case of the boy baseball player, and thus they were less likely to be challenged. The less well-liked the child, it seemed; the more socially clumsy he or she was apt to be at concealing the cheating. Aggression and conflict was the frequent result when a challenge occurred to the less well-liked children. Skill had...
Ethics, Morality, Values, And Beliefs According to "the ethics site," an Internet resource for college instructors regarding the teaching of different ethical systems, ethics may be defined as "the explicit, philosophical reflection on moral beliefs and practices. The difference between ethics and morality is similar to the difference between musicology and music. Ethics is a conscious stepping back and reflecting on morality, just as musicology is a conscious reflection on music."
Ethics According to the dictionary definition, ethics refer to the "set of principles of right conduct, or more specifically, "the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession." Ethics and morals are closely related, but ethics is the term more commonly used in the professional realm, whereas morals generally refer to guidelines for personal behavior. Both ethics and morals are reflections of beliefs and
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with what areas of human interest? life after death b-god c-morality The answer is c. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with moral questions, or the question of what actions are considered to be right or wrong. Moral rightness and moral wrongness are philosophical areas of inquiry, requiring analysis and debate. The ethics of an action can be debated on the intentions
Cheating at Nascar: Who's at the wheel?" "If you don't cheat you look like an idiot," says it all; this comment was made by one of the icons of NASCAR, Darry Waltrip, after he was caught cheating (Ramsey, 2010). NASCAR is a gigantic organization where cheating is not only rampant, it is expected. Perhaps it is because NASCAR was born in an environment of illegal activity where outsmarting the law was
Ethics for Non-Profits Introduction century ago, corporate social responsibility was an idea whose time had not yet come, and companies were free to treat their employees as badly as they could get away with and cause nearly unregulated environmental damage. Profits were considered the only measure of how good a company was, and higher profits were often derived from unethical treatment of workers and resources. Such an attitude today is no longer
D., What is Altitude Training section). The Website promoting products that Hypoxico Altitude Training Systems offers, reports that when a person is exposed to hypoxia, oxygen reduced environments, his/her body "struggles to produce required amounts of energy with less available oxygen. This struggle triggers the onset of a range of physiological adaptations geared towards enhancing the efficiency of the body's respiratory, cardiovascular and oxygen utilization systems" (Hypoxico Altitude Training, N.D.,
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