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Ethical Theories Ethical Theories Are Term Paper

Maybe the employee prefers to sit in a particular place or sit. Another negative attribute of the deontology theory is the fact that it is mostly concerned with the individual's welfare and not others. Utilitarianism theory

This theory deals with the individual's ability to foresee the consequences of their actions. A person will have to analyze the choice they make to ensure that they benefit more people Weymark, 2005.

Using this theory a person can compare similar past solutions, and develop a system that determines which choice will be most beneficial for a majority of people.

For a large corporation, this theory would be beneficial because employees will endeavor to perform their duties while analyzing the consequences of their actions. These would mean that employees will always try to be morally correct, and their consequences will always be beneficial for the whole corporation. Using this theory the...

The employee will perform all this while observing the law and corporation rules.
The main flaw of this theory is that an employee's prediction might be morally right, but there is no way of telling that it will be true or correct. Because of this uncertainty, there might be some unexpected results, which will make the employees prediction unethical as their choice does not benefit a majority of the employees.


Ronzoni, M. (2010). Teleology, Deontology, and the Priority of the Right: On Some Unappreciated Distinctions. [Article]. Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, 13(4), 453-472. doi: 10.1007/s10677-009-9209-z

Weymark, J.A. (2005). Measurement theory and the foundations of utilitarianism. [Article]. Social Choice & Welfare, 25(2/3), 527-555. doi: 10.1007/s00355-005-0017-7

Sources used in this document:

Ronzoni, M. (2010). Teleology, Deontology, and the Priority of the Right: On Some Unappreciated Distinctions. [Article]. Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, 13(4), 453-472. doi: 10.1007/s10677-009-9209-z

Weymark, J.A. (2005). Measurement theory and the foundations of utilitarianism. [Article]. Social Choice & Welfare, 25(2/3), 527-555. doi: 10.1007/s00355-005-0017-7
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