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Ethical Appeal, Pathetic Appeal, Logical Essay

But it showcases different voices and images of real people who are 'racing for the cure,' or racing to raise money to fund breast cancer research. The primary appeal of the advertisement is an ethical one, namely the need to devote more funding to breast cancer research, and to encourage the viewer to honor the survivors who run in the Komen race. The implication is that if real people suffer breast cancer, and real people are fighting for a cure, the viewer has an ethical responsibility to either donate to the Komen foundation, or even run him or herself in the race. The Dubarry advertisement, the Ralph Lauren advertisement, and the public service commercial promoting the Susan J. Komen Race for the Cure, all use emotional appeals to some extent: in fact, someone might protest that all of these advertisements might be classified as using 'pathos' in their persuasive strategy. Advertising must appeal to the emotion to some extent, if only to make the reader want to view the ad more carefully: the Dubarry ad does depict the boots in an attractive manner, against a field of green, and the images of Ireland, the Dubarry small horse company insignia, and reference to the company's long history,...

The Komen ad even more obviously uses emotion by deploying the inspiring testimony of survivors. But it is the virtually wordless Ralph Lauren ad that has the most naked emotional appeal. There is no ethical reason to buy the product; perfume is not a necessity. Even the clothing worn by the model is probably inferior in quality to that of products designed to actually weather the elements. The appeal of Ralph Lauren is the emotional attachment of the brand name consumers may have, the ad relies upon viewer's subjective desires to be a part of the world of the advertisement, to be part of a world that never was, in America.

Dubarry. (2010, January 10). Equus. p.14. Retrieved January 31, 2010

Ralph Lauren Classic Beauty advertisement. Reprinted January 31, 2010 at

Susan J. Komen Race for the Cure Commercial. (2009, October 25). You Tube.

Retrieved January 31, 2010 at

Sources used in this document:

Dubarry. (2010, January 10). Equus. p.14. Retrieved January 31, 2010

Ralph Lauren Classic Beauty advertisement. Reprinted January 31, 2010 at

Susan J. Komen Race for the Cure Commercial. (2009, October 25). You Tube.
Retrieved January 31, 2010 at
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