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Ethic Discussion Psychology -Ethics Ethics Add To Research Paper

Ethic Discussion

Psychology -Ethics

Ethics add to the beauty of profession whether medicine, healthcare, sociology, politics, education, business and even technology. Lack of ethics might not kill someone in most of cases but it certainly does affect the beauty of life. In psychology, ethics does play a role in developing trust between the client and the professional. Single parenting is a social psychology problem that also demands ethical practice since it deals with trust and confidence. Whatever is a different behavior from normal practices might need psychological guidance. Often there is a need to train people, couples, students, job candidates and single parents. The psychologists are bound by social contract. They do not only have to follow the job description but also have to meet the expectations of the clients and the industry in terms of ethical performance. While the dignity of the profession matters most in psychology. From decision making to guiding, social psychology is guided by ethics. Following ethical guidelines saves a lot of trouble (Canadian Psychological Association, 2000). Not only practice but also the research is benefited from ethical behavior and a person should make sure that he does not ignore the importance of morality. While there are many advantages of adopting ethical behavior in practice and research, there are several disadvantages of unethical behavior. Psychological practice and research is not only a business endeavor but it entails responsibility towards the society. The researcher should ask himself following questions before he carries out a research:

I. What is the code of conduct of research in area/industry?

II. Why it is important to show ethical behavior when practicing psychology?

III. Will the research and practice in field of single parenting be affected if unethical behavior is shown?

IV. Does the observance of ethics make difference in the research in any positive or negative way?


Canadian Psychological Association, (2000), Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, Retrieved


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