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ER Practices In Atlanta Multiple Chapters

¶ … Economic Motivators for Employers on Employment Rates for People With Disabilities in Atlanta Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Definition of Disability

Statistics for Individuals with Disabilities

Effects Of ADA On Persons With Disabilities

Economic Motivators for Employers Hiring People with Disabilities

Factors Affecting Economic Motivators for Employers

Lack of Information and Knowledge Regarding Economic Motivators

Misconception about Individuals with Disabilities

Inaccessible Hiring Strategies

Conflicts with Existing Programs

Lack of Appropriate Planning and Difficulties in implementations Economic Incentive Programs

Unemployment Among People with Disabilities





Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Research Design


Selection of Participants

Complete description of the Research Participants

Type of Sampling

Instrumentation 52

Reliability 54

Validity 55

Appropriateness/rationale for use in the study 55

Ethical Consideration 56

Data Analysis 57

Qualitative Research Analysis 57

Quantitative Research Analysis 59

The Researcher's Role 60

Credibility 60

Dependability 60

Transferability 60

Conformability 61

Conclusion 61


Introduction 62

Restatement of Study Purpose 62

Demographic Information of Study Sample 63

Section 2: The Primary, Secondary and Third Themes for Each Research Question 63

Section 3: Triangulation and Convergence, Corroboration, Correspondence of Qualitative and Quantitative Data 64

Qualitative Findings 65

Survey and Verbatim Responses to Interview Questions for the 4 Qualitative Research Questions 65

Quantitative Findings 67

Descriptive Statistics 67

Display Data Error! Bookmark not defined.

Mean 73

Standard Deviation 74

Analysis 75

Charts 77

Tables 86

Inferential Statistics 87

Hypothesis testing 87

Results 88

Discussion 91

Interpretation of results 91

Summary 92


Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.

Summary of Previous Chapters 96

Summary of Findings 98

Discussion 99

Analysis of the Findings 100

Comparison with Literature Review 100

Addition to Literature Review 101

Limitations 102

Recommendations 103

Increased Awareness 103

Job Hiring Training 103

Role of the Leader 104

Awareness amongst the Disabled 105

Follow-up Studies 105

Conclusion 106




According to U.S. statistics, about one out of every five people in Atlanta are disabled and one out of every three are completely disabled. During the principal employable years, 70% of people in Atlanta without disability have employment or a corporate equated with 67% of those with a less infirmity and 30% of those whose disability is bad (Bagenstos, 2010). The occupation rate of persons with infirmities remained constant in the 1980s in spite of a steady economy and effective landmark statute. With the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the physically challenged people were free from any victimization. Today, the employment rate for persons with disabilities is still improving (Bagenstos, 2010). The unemployed rate of persons with disabilities is a major factor that determines the economic status of a nation.

According to Budget (2005), every year, the local governments in Atlanta spend more resources to sustain persons with disabilities than it uses to assist them acquire employment opportunities and the low-slung work rate of persons with disabilities assumption is that it will cost Atlanta's budget more than $2,500 billion per annum. Several individuals in Atlanta have debated that the ADA has had the conflict of its proposed outcome and really dispirited the hiring of persons with incapacities. The outlook that human resource specialists have towards the ADA and what human resource experts believe are the finest ways to recover the hiring of persons with disabilities. The effort corporations put into employing persons with disabilities is what this research handles. It provides an awareness of the causes and ways of solving the problems in Atlanta (Budget, 2005).

Problem Background

According to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), (2010) human resource experts' familiarity differs considerably for the different employer incentives for employing persons with disabilities. They, however, know a lot regarding the Veterans Job Training Act, Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit, and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. This is why they have less information regarding the disabled. The size of the corporate also determines the information they have in regard to disability and the employers incentives. Small organizations prefer to maintain a low

Most organizations do not involve themselves with the employers' incentives because they simply do not distinguish the advantage of it. They blame the local government of Atlanta for not giving quality incentives in order to motivate the organizations to employ disabled people.
According to OECD (2003), the government should increase the incentives in order to attract more organizations including small firms. Top global companies also contribute to the low rate of unemployment of the persons with disabilities. The control big market shares enjoy the benefit of strong competitive advantage and qualified personnel. They should lead by example by increasing the rate of employment of the persons with disabilities. In essence, they became role models for their subordinate staffs and other emerging companies. This study proposes that economic incentives from employer's rates for people with disabilities are unfamiliar to HR specialists and most corporations.

Improved use of economic motivators and the enhancement of the employment rate for persons with disabilities possibly transpire if there is efficiency in the distribution of economic incentives (Roessler, 2002). Improving the hiring of persons with disabilities is not just through the availability of Atlanta's incentive plans; announcement of these plans must be flawless and operative. For instance, HR specialists to identify the necessity for top management and show the rest the way out and tell them the importance of ethics.

According to OECD (2012), improving the hiring of persons with disabilities involves forming a friendly atmosphere. This does not mean firms have to suffer large expenses for equitable adjustments. Most adjustments often purpose to improve the rate of employment for the disabled persons and are less costly. Even though creating employment opportunities for persons with disabilities is essential, the organization must ensure that these people enjoy equity and all other health and employment benefits. This involves aggregating the compassion and awareness of all workers towards those with disabilities. Human resource specialists in this study also indicated that firms in Atlanta employ a very small effort to recruit persons with disabilities. Increasing employing efforts to influence foundations of qualified persons with disabilities will escalate the chance to work (OECD, 2012).

Many firms are available to support employers and HR specialists in gaining access to the talented persons. The ADA has had a diversifying influence on the work of persons with disabilities in Atlanta. On the one hand, it has formed the need for firms to ponder competent persons with disabilities for work. HR specialists come to a consensus that the ADA did have an affirmative influence on hiring persons with disabilities. Generally, the ADA has formed an insight that firms may suffer legal defies if they fail to employ persons with disabilities. HR specialists must come into consensus with the actualities of the regulations, but pledge fears with facts.

According to UNECE Ministries Conference on Aging (2008) current research on disability regulation cases revealed that, 85% of the resolutions were satisfactory to the employer, from either immediate verdict or the benefits of the situation. Furthermore, later Supreme Court cases have advanced explanations on intricate law, making it simpler for HR specialists apply it in their firms. It will necessitate many tactics and the resourcefulness and sponsorship of top organization and HR specialists in Atlanta. In view of this, are employer motivators increasing employment rates for people with disabilities? With the efforts of economic motivators are employers taking advantage of incentives accessible to them when they hire persons with disabilities?

Purpose of the Study

The government is making possible in persuading organizations to incorporate persons with disabilities in their work environments. As OECD (2003) asserts, regardless of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act, there is still a high rate of unemployment for people with disabilities. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in partnership with the, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation (CPRF) and Wichita State University (WSU) together conducted a research to get information on the reduced recruitment rate for persons with disabilities. The principal emphasis of the research was to find out how familiar employers are concerning various state incentives for hiring persons with disabilities.

The purpose of this mixed study was to examine Economic Motivators for Employers on Employment Rates for People with Disabilities in Atlanta. Moreover, the study sought to find out how many firms really appreciate employer incentives and who in the firms make policies about implementing them. A minor focus of the research was to evaluate employers' outlooks and sentiments concerning the effect of the ADA on the hiring of persons with disabilities, decide on the amount of effort firms spend on hiring persons with disabilities and benefit from understanding the top managements' special involvements with disabilities. The research examined the ideas of employers on how best to mend the hiring of persons with disabilities.

The research design for this dissertation was mixed research method. This involved the collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data. Creswell (2009) stated that mixed method encourages pragmatic worldview and collection of both quantitative and qualitative data sequentially. Mixed research method will enhance the validity and reliability of the study because it provides the researcher opportunities to pursue a more detailed analysis of the research topic.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework in this study is constructed on Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs and is well established. Maslow proposed that unless the basic lower needs of the human being were met that the human would not even acknowledge the higher level needs. According…

Sources used in this document:

Andrew, D. P. S., Pedersen, P. M., & McEvoy, C. D. (2011). Research Methods and Design In Sport Management. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Arthur, S., A. Corden, A. Green, J. Lewis, J. Loumidis, R. Sainsbury, B. Stafford, P. Thornton, & R. Walker, R .(1999). New Deal for disabled people: Early implementation, Research Report No 106, (UK) Department of Work and Pensions, Corporate Document Services, Leeds.

Ashworth, K., Hartfree, Y & Stephenson, A. (2001). Well, enough to work? Research Report No. 145, (UK) Department of Work and Pensions, Corporate Document Services, Leeds.

Baker, M. & Tippin, D. (2003). More than just another obstacle: Health, Domestic Purposes Beneficiaries, and the transition to paid work, paper presented at the Social Policy, Research and Evaluation conference Connecting Policy, Research and Practice, 29-30 April, Wellington.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2005). BLS releases 2004-14 employment projections. Retrieved July 11, 2013, from
Georgia Department of Labor Rehabilitation Services. (2009). About us. Retrieved July 11, 2013., (2014). Tax Benefits for Businesses Who Have Employees with Disabilities. Retrieved 11 July 2014, from
U.S. Census.(2004). Definition of disability differs by survey. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
U.S. Department of Labor. (2009). Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Retrieved July 10, 2013.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2009). Notice concerning the AmericansWith Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act of 2008 Retrieved July 11, 2013
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2008). Improving The Participation Rate Of People With Targeted Disabilities In The Federal Work Force. Retrieved July 11, 203.
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