ESL (English Second Language)
Context and significance
Relevant background literature
Limitations and anticipated problems
ESL (English Second Language)
In many nations, there are many high school students who have parents who speak no English. Often times this can be a problem because the kids will often have to interpret for them and very often involves them to miss school in order to do this. Is it possible that because there is a constant interruption in school that theses occurrences are having some kind of an effect on their achievement and even attendance. However, it seems to make sense that when these parents begin ESL (English second language) classes that there is a possibility that it may help their children achieve better in high-school because of less time having to interpret for them.
High-school students that have parents that do not speak english, involvement with their education have changed much through time. In the agricultural period, parents, typically fathers, had effect on the schools, nonetheless were not physically involved at the school. Small rural public parents had power as to how the school was operated; even telling teachers how they could and could not act outside the classroom. Now with non-English speaking parents it is hard to get them involved with their teenager's education to help them because of the language barrier. However, the more English a parent knows the better chance of them helping their child out which means.
Context and significance
The purpose of this study was to find out if high-school student's grades and attendance rate improve once their parents begin ESL (English second language) classes. This study will hopefully benefit schools seeking to improve high achievement among student who parents are non-English speaking. Principals may see different types of parental involvement not presently experienced in their schools with non-English parents. Furthermore, when executed, these factors may grow students' success and satisfaction in the school setting. The importance will be on recounting the evolution of the, the challenges encountered, and the strategies that will be used in response to the challenges. A set of recommendations concerning launching high parent involvement was will be compiled.
Relevant background literature
There has not been much study on High school students who have parents who speak no English. When endeavoring to comprehend how children learn best, achievement test scores were studied and then compared to students who have non-speaking parents against those whose parents speak English. Achievement as perceived in test scores was discovered that non-speaking parents who had students in high-school scored lesser than those whose students had parents that knew English or were or had taken some English classes.
Cultural and Language differences in addition to differences in educational attainment separating families and school staff can make communication and family participation in school activities hard. For instance, survey data show that parents who do not speak English at home are less likely to take part in school-based activities and more likely to participate in fewer activities over the course of the school year thus causing the students grades to fall (Nina & Lu, 2012). Schools today are working with a various group of parents, some of whom may not simply understand all of the written communications that are being sent to them, and could possibly look at themselves as ill-equipped to help their children with schoolwork or homework. Furthermore, if the parents got involved with taking some English classes, they felt better about getting involved with the children school work. Among some schools studied, some creative answers to this barrier involved parent meetings that review activities non-readers are able carry out with their children to promote literacy or just take ESL classes.
As said by Laurence Steinberg (2011), children who have non-English speaking parents who are taking ESL classes who are involved in their education are more fruitful in school than the high-school students of equal skill whose parents are not involved. The type of parent participation that matters most is that which transports the parent considerably to school and be made of two-way communication among the school and home. Non-English speaking parents who are taking ESL classes are at school more often have children who achieve...
Alongside with
student achievement, behaviors and attitudes are serious factors that have been displayed to be resultant improvement areas when parents are involved. Ernest L. Bover highlights the importance of the family as the significance to education. When those in the home get to know those at school, the child will benefit (Ortmeier-Hooper, 2008).
Fifty-five percent of Title I schools report that they serve parents with limited English skills (Pulver, 2014). Research shows that even for parents who are able to read extremely well, the viewpoint of assisting with their children's schoolwork is at times daunting. A lot of parents are haunted by their own recollections of school, and are distressing when it comes to a setting that brings those memories all the way back. For instance, there was one
school district who hired a third-party contractor so that they could manage a Mom and Pop Mobile in order to multiply its outreach to take in those parents who are uncomfortable in school situations. This type of Mom and Pop Mobile specially goes out to find parents of private school students that are getting Title I services. By means of the traveling resource center, these parents learn real parent involvement approaches, for example how to help students take part in
learning activities at home. They also take some classes that help them with English so that it can equip them with their children. The challenge that schools come across comes in altering knowledge from research into practice, and practice into results (Nina & Lu, 2012).
Research question and hypotheses
Research Question: - Do high-school students grades improve when their non-English speaking parents start attending ESL (English Second Language) classes? Do high-school students gain a higher attendance record when their non-English speaking parents start attending ESL (English Second Language) classes?
Hypothesis: - It is hypothesized that students who have non-English speaking parents attend school more often when their parents start attending ESL (English Second Language) classes, and subsequently gain improvements with their grades.
The research model of this study that will be used is a
case study design. As specified by Webster (2011), "The qualitative case study has been broadly used to explain a specific occurrence or when existing theory does not offer a sufficient or suitable explanation" (13). Learning the challenges encountered in applying parent involvement and the tactics used in response to the challenges was the emphasis of this case study. Researching into experiences by utilizing face-to-face interviews permitted the researcher to learn through the viewpoint of those who "live" the non-English speaking parent's involvement who are taking ESL class process. The case study design will be chosen because of the depth of information that was needed to be able to speak to and answer the
research questions, and also the flexibility needed in order to examine the heretofore potentially unidentified variables.
This study's purpose was to answer the qualitative problem of if high-school students' achievement improves or not when their non-English speaking parents take classes. With that said, the selection process will indeed be purposive. As stated by purposive sampling as explained by Chein (Pracht, 2007) makes the point that the researcher wants to discover, recognize, and gain insight. Therefore there might be a need to pick a sample from which the researcher is able to learn the most. The sample will be selected because of special experience that is able to match the topic of the study.
The research shows that a lot of the strategies for addressing language barriers comprise of some form of bilingual services for collaborating with families in regards to school programs and progress for the children's. Many schools successfully use bilingual parent classes, in order for parents to learn English really quick in order to help their children with their school work and also the attendance. Several schools and districts likewise steer bilingual classes or workshops designed to offer parents with ideas and information in regards to how to help students at home with
homework and even help with academic achievement and attendance.
Limitations and anticipated problems
This study will be addressed to and High school students and non-English speaking parents inn one region. Results of the study could, as a result, be limited in their generalizability for schools that are away from this region. Simplification of the results will could possibly depend on the similarity of a school to those contributing in the study. For whatever reasons the participants may decide not to show up to the interview process or might even refuse to answer some questions
Burnham, J.J., Mantero, M., & Hooper, L.M. (2009). Experiential training: Connecting school counselors-in-training, English as a second language (ESL) teachers, and ESL students. Journal…