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English Grammar Grammatical Analysis Of Essay

The accord between the clauses of a phrase is often an issue which generates mistakes. However not often, it has occurred throughout Bisin's article. In this instance, she says: If positive messages about HIV / AIDS are carried by young people, it will reach out to young viewers. This sentence is written in passive voice, with the logic subject different from the grammatically correct one. To better explain, the logic subject is young people, who will deliver the message. The grammatical subject on the other hand is the noun the messages, which will be delivered. Therefore, the accord must be made with this subject and the following clause. Given then that the subject is plural, the pronoun in second clause should be they instead of it. Ultimately, the phase should be formulated as follows: If positive messages about HIV / AIDS are carried by young people, they (the messages) will reach out to young viewers.

3. Final Remarks

Sandra Bisin's UNICEF - supported soap opera raises awareness about HIV / AIDS in Niger is generally a good article, hosted on a formal website, but written in a manner somewhere between formal and informal, so that it is easily understood by all readers. However major abuses of grammar rules have not been made, some suggestions for improvement could be offered. Grammatically still, the number...

The work on presenting the soap opera as a manifesto to population information is a credible source even more so when it is hosted on the official website of UNICEF.
The grammatical analysis reveals a well written text, proving, at least at this point, that the presumptions made in the introductory part are false. The analysis has been focused on four primary grammatical issues: inflectional morphology, verbs, causes and word classes. The verb tenses have been used properly, with the exception of past tense instead of present perfect with the adverb recently. Inflectional morphology has also been correctly used; and finally, in terms of clauses, their usage is vast and correct.

Works Cited

Lee, J., Inflectional Morphology

Lee, J., Verbs, Tenses, Aspect and Mood

Lee, J., Basic Clauses

Capital Letters, the Owl at Purdue, accessed on December 9, 2008

Sources used in this document:
Works Cited

Lee, J., Inflectional Morphology

Lee, J., Verbs, Tenses, Aspect and Mood

Lee, J., Basic Clauses

Capital Letters, the Owl at Purdue, accessed on December 9, 2008
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