¶ … downsizing on Manufacturing Industries
The amount of information on the effects of down sizing on manufacturing was not plentiful, however one main point that flows through all of the articles is that even though down sizing may be done to help a company it can end up hurting them in the long run. In the paragraphs to follow we look at the effects that downsizing has on people and companies as well as look at whether or not downsizing is truly the answer.
Parker (2003)Reports that in 2003 the expected job losses among the manufacturing industries in Great Britain would create the effects of rising input costs and oil price increase on the job cuts; Downturn of the purchasing managers' index for manufacturing; Decrease in the rate of manufacturer's orders. So even though these cuts may be necessary he pointed out that it would have an overall negative effect.
The Midwest may be the focus of manufacturing layoffs and financial woes (Link, 2005), but according to this survey, people who live in the area of the country that includes Cleveland and Detroit in the low- to moderate-income lax bracket are using less of their income to pay for housing than other areas of the country. The study, dubbed the Housing Landscape for America's working Families 2005, revealed that from 1997 to 2003 the number of America's working class who spend more than half of their income on housing leaped from 2.4 million to 4.2 million. The study also revealed that immigrant families are 75% more likely to use more of their income to pay for housing than American-born citizens. Across the country there are 14 million people that spend too much of their income 10 pay for housing. About 35% of that group is low- to moderate-income families.
In 2003, the critical housing need for the Midwest totaled 8.7% of residents while the West Coast had a need among I6.89 (of its residents. The South followed the Midwest for a lower critical housing need with 9.3% while the Northeast trailed California with a need among 14.2% of its residents (Link, 2005).
(Palley, 1999) Reported that given the dismal economic performance that marked the period from 1990 to 1995, when downsizing was widespread, inequality widened, and real wages fell, the subsequent U-turn in performance has been completely unexpected. Moreover, it has been cause for further surprise that the economy has continued to prosper despite the East Asian financial crisis, which destabilized global financial markets, undermined U.S. exports, and unleashed a surge in U.S. imports.
A second source of uncertainty (Palley, 1999) concerns the sustainability of the growth of personal consumption spending, which had been the principal engine of economic expansion in the past two years. In 1997, personal consumption expenditure contributed 59% of gross domestic product (GDP) growth, and in 1998 it contributed 85%. Meanwhile, in 1997 and 1998 nominal personal consumption expenditures grew 5.3% and 5.7%, respectively, while nominal disposable income grew only 4.7% and 4.0%. From the Federal Reserve's perspective, this pattern is not sustainable since consumption is growing faster than potential output, which implies that the economy will eventually hit an inflationary wall. An alternative interpretation is that such growth is not sustainable because households must inevitably run short of financial wherewithal, and when this happens, an economic decline will ensue. According to this view, recession rather than inflation is the danger.
A last scenario concerns the possibility of a full-scale crash or economic depression. Such an outcome is the least likely of the three scenarios, but it is still more likely than it used to be. In the 1960s and 1970s, the possibility of an economic depression was truly far removed. However, in the 1990s such a notion has surfaced as plausible, even if unlikely. Recent events in the global economy have added further credibility to this possibility.
One reason a crash has become more likely is that many of the factors precipitating a hard landing are already in place, which means that many of them could be realized simultaneously. Indeed, many of these factors are linked in trip-wire fashion so that if one occurs, it triggers another. Thus a Federal Reserve-induced increase in interest rates could trigger a stock market crash, and this could then trigger an end to the spending boom. It could also trigger renewal of global financial instability.
Similarly, a renewal of global financial instability could become the event that bursts the stock market bubble. Alternatively, a realization that the existing U.S. current-account trajectory is unsustainable could trigger a foreign exchange crisis that would renew global financial market instability, trigger a stock market crash,...
Variables such as voluntary turnover rate, downsizing rate, and organizational commitment were measured. The researchers also included 12 measures as indices of human resource practices in the organizations. The survey also included questions asking about the existence of "an ombudsman who is designated to address any employee complaints, or a grievance or appeal process available to nonunion employees." [Trevor & Nyberg, pg (16)] Overall it was found that downsizing occurred
Downsizing Impact What is the impact of downsizing? As the studies below indicate, layoffs have a number of negative effects not only on workers in different industries, but also on their communities and the market as a whole. Although it has been said that downsizing can be economically beneficial to companies, the following shows that there are two sides to this issue. Over the past decade, the workplace has altered considerably in
In addition research has found that estimate that nearly 252,000 computer programming and computer software engineering jobs could be outsourced 2015(Zarocostas). However, 1.15 million new IT jobs could be produced by 2012 (Zarocostas). In addition to the increased number of jobs that are being outsourced. Such outsourcing impacts the economy in many ways. Although many argue that outsourcing has a positive effect in the long run, for many workers outsourcing
But regardless of the reasons for downsizing, fact remains that it is a process which severely affects both the organization as well as its employees. The major effect upon the organization is related to the corporate culture. In this order of ideas, Ford, like most American companies, promoted the idea of a secure workplace, one in which the employee is valued, cherished and accordingly rewarded. But his firing directly contradicts
Consumers at the same time are much more knowledgeable of technology factors within the industry and thus demand much more from their cars than in previous generations. Which means that automobile companies must simultaneously focus on producing efficient vehicles, but also provide all the new commodities that make the driving experience safer and more entertaining at the same time? Finally, legal aspects of the worldwide landscape have molded the automotive
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