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Early Childhood Norm-Referenced Vs. Criterion-Referenced Test A Essay

Early Childhood Norm-referenced vs. criterion-referenced test

A norm-referenced test is an assessment that usually brings out an estimate of the position of the person who is being tested in a population that is predefined with the focus being the trait that is being measured. The estimate is normally obtained from analyzing the test scores as well as other data which is got from the population and is relevant .in this type of assessment there is identification of whether the person who is taking the test is better or worse than the other people who are also taking the test. However this assessment is not used to determine whether the person who is taking the test knows more or less than the requirement. Criterion referenced test is an assessment involves translating test scores into statements regarding the expected behavior of an individual who has attained a particular score or how they relate to the subject matter that has been specified. Most of the quizzes and tests that are written by school teachers are placed under this category. The main objective in these assessments is finding out whether a student has learned the study material (Danielle, 2008).

Standardized and non-standardized, informal assessments

Both standardized and non-standardized informal methods...

This is because they both involve a procedure for acquiring information that can be used in making judgments when it comes to learning behaviors and characteristics in children. These assessment methods are not driven by data rather they are driven by performance and content. Therefore these methods are useful in early childhood assessment since they will give a clear picture on the ability of a child. They are also useful since these tow assessment methods are based on performance objectives .this means that teachers will give instructions according to the objectives and hence carrying out assessment of these performance objectives. I would recommend the use both types of assessments. This is because standardized assessments are used to measure things that can be measured while the non-standardized assessments can be used to measure the skills which students have which can be noticed, are significant but they are unfortunately not children there are bot measurable and unquantifiable skills. Therefore using these two types of assessments will ensure that both the measurable and no quantifiable are measured without any problem.
Response to Intervention

Parents and teachers are all concerned about how they can help their…

Sources used in this document:

Dannielle.(2008). Norm-Referenced vs. Criterion-Referenced Testing.Retrieved Novemeber 10,2013 from

Robert, C.(2013). Differences Between Standardized & Non-Standardized Assessments. Retrieved Novemeber 10,2013 from

Klotz, M.B & Canter, A.(2013). Response to Intervention (RTI): A Primer for Parents. Retrieved Novemeber 10,2013 from
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