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Domestic Terrorism Issues The Turner Research Proposal

The Continuing Threat of the Racial Right Wing:

The modern era of radicalism and domestic terrorism is less centralized and more dependent on independent groups, which complicates law enforcement infiltration and intelligence-gathering efforts. The use of high-tech technologies and the Internet widens the reach of such groups in propagandizing large numbers of potential new recruits. Increasingly, domestic terror groups have adopted apocalyptic philosophies that, in conjunction with the procurement of weapons of mass destruction and a disregard for their consequences, could threaten large population centers. The coordination between domestic terrorism and international terrorists further magnifies the potential risks.

The South Poverty Law Center:

The SPLC was instrumental...

The first such use was the $10 million civil suit filed in 1983 against the United Klans of America (UKA) by the family of Michael Donald who was lynched in 1981 by Henry Hays and James Knowles. That suit resulted in a $7 million award; even though only $50,000 was collected, that effectively bankrupted the UKA.
The Black Panther Movement and Terrorism from Below:

The Black Panther movement was a group dedicated to achieving civil equality for black people through the use of force against police and other instruments of government oppression. This clash initiated by the oppressed underclass against the established national government was a classic example of "terrorism from below."

Sources used in this document:
The SPLC was instrumental in the first use of civil liability as a means of destroying domestic hate groups through monetary damage awards. The first such use was the $10 million civil suit filed in 1983 against the United Klans of America (UKA) by the family of Michael Donald who was lynched in 1981 by Henry Hays and James Knowles. That suit resulted in a $7 million award; even though only $50,000 was collected, that effectively bankrupted the UKA.

The Black Panther Movement and Terrorism from Below:

The Black Panther movement was a group dedicated to achieving civil equality for black people through the use of force against police and other instruments of government oppression. This clash initiated by the oppressed underclass against the established national government was a classic example of "terrorism from below."
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