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Nursing metaparadigm: Evolving views of the discipline
Ever since Florence Nightingale published her thirteen canons of nursing, nursing has striven to define itself as a unique discipline, with unique rules and protocols. The nursing metaparadigm embraced by most theorists of the nursing process today is fourfold structure encompassing patient (human being), the nursing process, health, and the wider environment. However, while the embrace of such constructs connects many of the major theorists of nursing, all theorists have slightly different notions of what constitutes 'nursing,' which affects their views of other components of the nursing process. Additionally, some writers on the topic even believe that to have a 'theory' of the practical nursing process is an oxymoron.
Those who dispute the value of having a 'theory' or larger construct with which to view nursing practice deny the value of breaking down nursing into the classic metaparadigm's four component parts. "In Meleis's (1991) view, the distinctions that some nurse theorists have made among metaparadigm, conceptual model and framework, and theory, in deciding what to call conceptualizations about nursing, are 'hair-splitting, unclear, and confusing at worst" (Kikuchi 1999). However, defenders of the metaparadigm construct regard it as a critical component of establishing nursing's unique contribution to the field of medicine. During the 1970s, "nurses began to claim that the person is more than the disease, indeed a composite of physical, psychological social and spiritual dimensions" and thus the definitions of what constituted the patient, environment, health, and by extension the nursing process began to incorporate more subjective, intangible elements (Thorne et al. 1998: 1259).
Fawcett (1995) states of a metaparadigm within any field: "(1) it must identify a discipline's domain such that it is distinct from those of other disciplines, (2) it must parsimoniously encompass all phenomena of interest to a discipline, (3) it must be neutral in perspective, and (4) it must be international in scope and substance" (Kikuchi 1999). Metaparadigms are useful in that they set disciplinary limits. This is particularly vital for nursing today, given that nurses are increasingly being called to fulfill the functions of physician's assistants, physicians, and other medical roles.
One prominent advocate of the 'metaparadigm' construct, Margaret Newman, stated that the purpose of nursing is fostering "caring in the human health experience" and nursing is designed to "help clients get in touch with the meaning of their lives by the identification of their patterns of relating" (Margaret Newman, 2009, Nursing Theories). Nurses are viewed primarily as facilitators and partners in this model. The object of nursing is not only the patient, but also includes the patient's family and community. Because of her integration of environment and person, Newman does not spend a great deal of time analyzing the environment as separate from the patient, and only notes that the environment constitutes "the larger whole, which is beyond the consciousness of the individual" patient (Margaret Newman, 2009, Nursing Theories).
Health by Newman is defined as a synthesis of "disease and non-disease:" in other words, every person manifests some degree of health or illness at every point of his or her existence (Margaret Newman, 2009, Nursing Theories). In contrast to Fawcett's determination to define nursing in a concrete fashion, Newman stresses the 'caritive' function of nursing, and the degree to which health and illness exist on a continuum, rather are distinct entities. As such, nursing is a very broadly-conceived, subjective process. Illness or health "cannot be assessed objectively," and the patient is seen as freely choosing his or her state of wellness (Thorne et al. 1998: 1259). While this can be empowering for the patient, it can also disempower the healthcare professional from seeking change, and deny the patient's environmental and cultural situation which may make achieving a state of well-being difficult (Thorne et al. 1998: 1260).
However, despite this critique,...
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