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Developing Policy For Diversity And Inclusion Research Proposal

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While there has been a push for diversity and inclusion within the private and public sectors it is surprising that the plethora of information available does not look at some of the factors that can be used to develop diversity and inclusion policies. Analyzing the factors that organizations should consider when developing diversity and inclusion policies are vital for the success of the policy. The proposed research aims to uncover the factors that have assisted organizations to successfully implement diversity policies. A total of 10 organizations will be used for this research. There is an equal distribution of the organizations. We have selected 5 organization that have successfully implemented diversity and inclusion and 5 that have failed in their attempt to implement. We believe that these organizations will provide us with the insights we need to determine the factors that we seek to uncover. Data collection methods will be interviews and questionnaires. The interviews will be via phone and in person, while all the questionnaires will be sent via email. The data collected will be analyzed using SPSS and verification will be done before the data is input into the application. Coding will take place afterward.


Diversity management programs have been introduced across numerous public and private organization in the country and globally. There have been different aims for introducing diversity like increasing women and ethnic minorities participation within the workplace, assisting organizations to reach new and untapped markets, and incorporating wider decision-making perspectives (Lorbiecki & Jack, 2000). However, the success of these initiatives has not been as expected. With such notable aims, it is a wonder as to why some work out so well and others flop considerably. Cao, Clarke, and Lehaney (2003) posits organizations do recognize the ever-increasing global competition and increasing customer expectations. It is for this reason that some of the organizations will opt to develop a policy on diversity and inclusion for the organization. The policy is meant to offer the organization an opportunity to change and transform how it conducts its operations. The implementation of these policies is hurriedly done and most managers do not understand the true meaning of diversity. Failure to consider the vital factors for diversity and inclusion result in a policy that is only meant to look good on paper while its implementation is not possible. Global organizations need to understand the differences in diversity in the countries they operate (Derven, 2014). This will require the organization to perform due diligence in order to have an inclusive and diverse workforce within the organization. Diversity is vital for the success of organizations. With an effective policy, an organization can protect itself against costly litigation and compensation claims. There is also a reduced staff turnover within the workplace. Reducing staff turnover will ensure that the organization reduces its hiring costs and is able to attract the right talent (Pless & Maak, 2004; Williams & O’Reilly III, 1998). An organization will enhance its image and attract customers are well as potential talent. The current business change is global and for an organization to embrace global business it needs to also embrace diversity and inclusion. This will allow the business to compete globally since it will have the right understanding of the different market segments. Customer interaction is also improved as the organization will have a diverse workforce that can interact with customers from different backgrounds (Cao et al., 2003; R. R. Thomas, Russell, & Schumacher, 2001).

There have been numerous studies carried out regarding the importance of diversity and inclusion. However, there are gaps in the research especially when it comes to factors that organizations should consider when they are developing their diversity and inclusion policy (Gilbert & Ivancevich, 2000; Kreitz, 2008). The relative lack of this information makes it hard for organizations to develop policies that will guarantee the success of diversity and inclusion within the organization. We intend to carry out research on the factors that should be considered when developing a diversity and inclusion policy. The aim of this research is to uncover the different factors that should be considered when an organization is developing a diversity and inclusion policy. The factors are vital and might differ depending on the objectives of the organization. With this information, it will be easier for organizations to identify how they can develop policies of diversity and inclusion that will be successful and result in positive growth for the organization (Pless & Maak, 2004). Our research questions are What are the factors to consider when developing a D&I policy? What factors contribute to the development of a D&I policy? Our objective is to fill in the gaps that are currently there in research. Information is lacking regarding the factors that organizations should consider when they are developing diversity and inclusion policies (Kreitz, 2008; Shore...…used to ensure an organization succeeds when developing its diversity and inclusion policy. The factors that contribute towards the development of a successful diversity and inclusion policy will also be uncovered. The interviews will be conducted in person and in some cases over the telephone. This way we can reach all the anticipated participants. We will make use of closed-ended multiple choice questions, which are easier and can be completed faster as compared to open-ended questions (Muzio & Tomlinson, 2012). This way the research participants will not have to spend lots of time answering the questionnaire. The interviews will follow a similar methodology. However, we will give the in-person interviews some leeway. This will enable them to expound on their answers.

Data analysis will be done with the use of SPSS software. All oral interviews will be transcribed before they are inserted into the software. This will ensure that the data is properly formatted. Transcription will be done by independent assistants who are not linked to the research. The analysis will be done with the aim of uncovering patterns that can be used to explain the phenomenon being studied. Coding will be done as the analysis is ongoing. All data will be verified as received. This will ensure that all the received data is credible and usable.

The major ethical concern for this research is that it is hard for the research to detach them self from the research. Since the researcher will be conducting most of the interviews, it is not easy for him/her to separate them self from the subject. Remaining objective and not allowing their previous generalizations to influence the research in any manner. While this can be done it becomes hard as one progresses with the research to separate their initial generalization to the results of the data.


We have looked at the methodologies that will be used to carry out the research and the research paradigm selected is positivism. Data collection will be done using the telephone and in-person interviews. There will be questionnaires that will be sent out to other study subjects. The research is beneficial because it will fill the gap that is currently there regarding a lack of information on factors that should be considered when developing diversity and inclusion policy. Some of the limitations of this paradigm have been mentioned and the ethical considerations that should be factored have been pointed out.


Sources used in this document:


Cao, G., Clarke, S., & Lehaney, B. (2003). Diversity management in organizational change: towards a systemic framework. Systems Research and Behavioral Science: The Official Journal of the International Federation for Systems Research, 20(3), 231-242.

Derven, M. (2014). Diversity and inclusion by design: best practices from six global companies. Industrial and Commercial Training, 46(2), 84-91.

Farndale, E., Biron, M., Briscoe, D. R., & Raghuram, S. (2015). A global perspective on diversity and inclusion in work organisations: Taylor & Francis.

Gilbert, J. A., & Ivancevich, J. M. (2000). Valuing diversity: A tale of two organizations. Academy of Management Perspectives, 14(1), 93-105.

Knights, D., & Omanovic, V. (2015). Rethinking Diversity in Organizations and Society. The Oxford Handbook of Diversity in Organizations, 83-108.

Kochan, T., Bezrukova, K., Ely, R., Jackson, S., Joshi, A., Jehn, K., . . . Thomas, D. (2003). The effects of diversity on business performance: Report of the diversity research network. Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan and in alliance with the Society of Human Resources Management, 42(1), 3-21.

Kreitz, P. A. (2008). Best practices for managing organizational diversity. The journal of academic librarianship, 34(2), 101-120.

Lorbiecki, A., & Jack, G. (2000). Critical turns in the evolution of diversity management. British journal of management, 11, S17-S31.

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