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Dehumanization Of Gregor Samsa And Kafka's Food Symbolism Research Paper

Food in Kafka's Metamorphosis Food in Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis serves a narrative function and a symbolic function as well. After all, Gregor Samsa's family is seated down to an ordinary bourgeois breakfast at the time when Gregor is awakening from his uneasy dreams: this seems like ordinary narrative but it also establishes the centrality of food to bourgeois family life. To this extent, we should not be surprised that the succeeding portions of the novella use food to subject Gregor to sub-human positions, as the family gradually ceases to regard him as a member of its cohesive structure. I hope to show through close analysis of episodes in The Metamorphosis that deal with food that the overall symbolism is clear, and that Kafka's use of food in the fiction has a coherent purpose overall.

We have noted that the story begins at breakfast. One reason this setting is so effective for the story's opening is that we all can imagine the experience of having a giant insect turn up at the breakfast table: many translations, including Wylie's, describe Gregor in the opening sentence as a "vermin" and by definition vermin are not welcome in human domestic situations. A regular cockroach at the breakfast table is disgusting, but discovering a human-sized...

Simon Ryan notes additionally "the anti-Semitic connotations..that the word carried for Kafka" since in "anti-Semitic political publications, Jews were frequently referred to as…'vermin'" (Ryan 209). The family's response is to hide Gregor in his room as though there were something shameful or even potentially contagious about him, although his sister is unwilling to forget entirely who he is:
It was only when he had reached the door that he realised what it actually was that had drawn him over to it; it was the smell of something to eat. By the door there was a dish filled with sweetened milk with little pieces of white bread floating in it. (Kafka, II)

Of course two problem undercut the human relationship here. The first is that the sister has essentially left food for Gregor like one would for a pet -- his favorite food is on the floor. The second problem is that Gregor is no longer human, so even his tastes have changed: "milk like this was normally his favorite drink" however "the milk did not taste at all nice" (Kafka, II). Food here marks a step in Gregor's dehumanization.

Of course, the final step in Gregor's dehumanization comes with the symbolism of food as…

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Works Cited

Corngold, Stanley. "Allotria and Excreta in the Penal Colony." In Bloom, Harold, Franz Kafka. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2010. Print.

Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." Translated by David Wylie. Project Gutenberg, 2002.

Ryan, Simon. "Franz Kafka's Die Verwandlung." In Bloom, Harold, Franz Kafka. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2010, Print.
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