The victim is unable to make peace with himself, say goodbye to his family or have his constitutional rights seen too. When a murder is committed, I believe that the perpetrator does not forfeit his rights, but rather some of the respect and convention which is usually given to a dying person. After all, what respect and convention was awarded to his victim?
Many of the states which currently allow the death penalty have victim services via the department of Corrections. The services which they provide range all the way from family support and counseling to the provision for family members of the victim to watch the execution should they so desire. This ability is limited state to state, however. It should also be noted that several of the victims services programs have been severely curtailed due to budget...
It would seen that it may be effective in stemming what has truly been an alarming increase in the rate of violent crime we are seeing both in urban centers and rural areas within our state.
John Paul II, Gospel of Life, the (Evangelium Vitae) (1995) Three Rivers Press
Quinto, Morgan "Murder Rate in 2001 National Rate = 5.6 Murders per 100,000 Population" Accessed via the World Wide Web on 17 May 2006 at
No Author Cited "Illinois Suspends Death Penalty Indefinitely" January 30, 2000 accessed via the World Wide Web on 17 May 2006 at
Prejean, Helen, CSJ. "Would Jesus Pull The Switch" Salt of the
Earth. 1997 Accessed via the World Wide Web on 17 May 2006 at
Supreme Court Multimedia, "Oyez." 2005. Accessed via the World Wide Web on 17 May 2006 at
Supreme Court Multimedia, "Oyez." 2005 "McKlesky v. Kemp." Accessed via the World Wide Web on 17 May 2006 at
Gregg v. Georgia 428 U.S. 153 (1976) Docket Number: 74-6257. Accessed via the World Wide Web on 17 May 2006 at