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David A Man After God's Essay

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Solomon's name is not tainted in cruelties and crimes like that of David. He exhibited the passion to delight God sincerely starting his life in a worthy manner. Worshiping of God was his delight and he exhibited devotedness in the temple construction. Solomon's utterances during devotion are ranked remarkably among the literature of pre-Christian devotion when he was praying at the temple dedication. But when we learn of his heart being turned away after other god we see the reason. 1 Kings 11:4 says, "As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of his father David had been." Solomon's heart was not perfect with God because it was turned away towards other gods. His heart was the trouble and not his head. A theological opinion change was not the reason for his defection but the lack of perfect loyalty in his heart. The heart leads the life on the desired path and therefore character becomes defined by the heart. Therefore the lord sees the heart as the character and it is the one that should be kept with diligence. Perfect character was only embodied by Christ and not any other person. We can in this case perceive David's heart as being perfect. He did sin in his past but his loyalty to God was perfect. His heart was never turned away from God and towards other gods. We can see his dedication of his life to God through his deep remorse and penitence when he fell into sin. David's heart for God was undivided while Solomon though he did love...

He perceives inner traits like humility, willingness, faithfulness, patience and contentment as were exhibited by David. God desires us to live a sinless life but he is not looking for perfection because if this was the case then none will pass the test. David indeed was sinful as Solomon but God perceives what is in the heart. The heart that sincerely and relentlessly seeks the lord is the one that pleases him. I have learned that I should never abandon true worship of God regardless of the sins or temptations that I fall victim to. Deep and sincere repentance is what is important so as to be in harmony with God. Also whenever corrected by someone or if my mistakes are pointed out, I should not try to justify them but repent them as David did when he was warned by Prophet Nathan.
I have also learned that because I cannot serve two masters at the same time, I need to give my heart and its intention to God in its entirety. By being lukewarm even if my external behavior seems upright is not desirable because total commitment of the heart is desired by God. Regardless of my sins or deviant ways, the lord will forgive me and be indeed pleased if at all my heart is dedicated to him. The lord in fact makes promises for reward if we walk in the upright manner as David did (1 Kings…

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