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Cuzco, Peru As The Oldest Thesis

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" Being in a higher position, Yupanqui formed alliances and ultimately succeeded in creating an Empire composed of the four parts of the world named Tawantinsuyo. The Northern part which was mainly formed of mountains became known as Kuntisuyo, the West which was mainly deserts and coastal areas became known as Chinchaysuyo, the South that was mainly plateau surrounding Lake Titikaka was called Quollasuyo, and the East which faced the Amazons was called Antisuyo. (Milla Vidal, C.) Tawantinsuyo began to flourish with Cusco as its capital city and the Incas started to evolve as a race by taking in customs and traditions from all the villages they conquered. From there on, the Incas and their leader Pachakuteq were dedicated on having a capital worthy of its fame. At Pachakuteq's order, the city's architects and astronomers co-worked in reconstructing the city so that it would resemble a Puma. (Milla Vidal, C.)

Cusco and the Inca Empire reached their apogee in the sixteenth century, when the Spaniards arrived in the city in 1532. (Robinson J.D.,2002)...

The Europeans forced their way into the whole country and hastened the collapse of the Inca Empire. The natives rebelled against the conquerors several times as it was hardly possible for the two cultures to peacefully co-exist. As the Peruvians were reluctant to accepting the Spanish rule, they succeeded in acquiring their independency in 1821. (Milla Vidal, C.)
Cusco gained the title of being the Center of the American World and numerous acknowledgements world wide of being a cultural heritage of the humanity.


Robinson J.D. (2002). The Sacred Landscape of the Inca: the Cusco Ceque System. (Vol. 22, pp. 190+).

Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, M. (1999). History of the Inca Realm. Cambridge University Press.

Milla Vidal, C. Cusco in History and its Message. Retrieved September 24, from Web Site:

Sources used in this document:

Robinson J.D. (2002). The Sacred Landscape of the Inca: the Cusco Ceque System. (Vol. 22, pp. 190+).

Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, M. (1999). History of the Inca Realm. Cambridge University Press.

Milla Vidal, C. Cusco in History and its Message. Retrieved September 24, from Web Site:
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