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Curriculum Implementation An Implementation Of Term Paper

Educators, especially those who have been practicing the profession for a long time have a greater tendency to abhor going through the learning process once more. As a principal, they should be encouraged to undergo the learning process again and become students, therefore, joining their trainings would promote confidence in learning new ideas once more.

As the teachers become students, the idea of the students becoming teachers at some point upon the implementation of the program would somehow alleviate their fear of integrating the use of technology in their learning process. Within the 30 minutes math lad, they should be allowed to explore the program and share among their classmates what they have learned and how they have learned it.

Cooperative learning is putting together several ideas in order to develop the teaching-learning process, not just among the students but...

According to Michael Dickmann, a professor of education at Cardinal Stritch University, it physiologically engages more of the brain's neural networks through the stimulation of sensory information from kinesthetic, visual, and auditory input. A teacher who studies the research would also better understand how cooperative learning taps into students' 'natural capacities to be engaged socially and emotionally' and supports their efforts to construct knowledge and apply it in problem solving."(Allen, 2002)
Works Cited

Franklin, J. (2002) the Importance of Instructional Leadership. The Necessary Principal.

Allen, R. (2002) Honing the Tools of Instruction: How Research Can Improve Teaching for the 21st Century.

Shu-Sheng, L. (2004) Considerations for developing constructivist Web-based learning. International Journal of Instructional Media.

Sources used in this document:
Works Cited

Franklin, J. (2002) the Importance of Instructional Leadership. The Necessary Principal.

Allen, R. (2002) Honing the Tools of Instruction: How Research Can Improve Teaching for the 21st Century.

Shu-Sheng, L. (2004) Considerations for developing constructivist Web-based learning. International Journal of Instructional Media.
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